Page 56 of Carmine
“Hey, lucky lady, you’re going to have to be at every game,” one called.
“Oh, I can’t do that. I have my own job. But I’ll be at as many as possible,” I replied.
They smiled kindly.
“We can get a cardboard cutout if you make Carmine play like that again,” another added.
“What, to throw balls at?” I teased.
“Are you coming to celebrate?” a man inquired.
“Nah, I’m going to spend time with my girl, my fiancée,” Carmine answered proudly.
Happily, they offered congratulations and then left us alone.
“Let’s head back. There’s a taxi waiting,” Harley murmured, pointing at a car.
“Do you need to tell your coach?”
“Coach’s okay. As long as I’m on the team bus by ten tomorrow morning,” Carmine answered.
“Come on, bro. Mom’s waiting, and she’s booked a damn restaurant. Now she’s going to be celebrating,” Cody announced, grinning at the look on Carmine’s face.
“Give Mom until eight, and I’ll cover for your disappearance,” Harley bribed.
Carmine looked sulky but nodded as I laughed.
“Good game, bro. Never thought I’d see a shutdown, and certainly not by my own brother,” Harley said.
Sadness tinged his voice.
“You need to get checked again. Harley, I’ve seen you playing with the kids; you’re as near perfect as any pro player,” Carmine replied.
Harley shook his head. “Nah, I gave it up. Smithing is my thing now.”
“And we know you love it. But give it one last try, Harley, or at least think about it,” Carmine pushed and then dropped the subject.
As we climbed into the waiting taxi, I wondered what that had been about, but I didn’t pry. Carmine would tell me if I needed to know.
Cody hadn’t been wrong. When we entered the restaurant, it had been decked out for a celebration, and Phoe was in her element. It was family only, which obviously included all Rage and their families. The restaurant had even managed to bake a large cake saying congratulations.
Carmine and I were greeted by everyone as we arrived, and I was overwhelmed and, at one point, ended up hiding behind him for a break. Carmine simply took it in his stride. At eight, as promised, Harley ran interference, and Carmine snuck back to the hotel with me. Once in my room, my nerves kicked in, and I stared mutely at Carmine.
“It’s okay, sweet girl. Nothing will happen unless you want it too,” Carmine reassured me.
“Carmine, I’m a virgin,” I blurted, and Carmine blinked.
“Shit, baby, now the pressure is on. I need to make your first time special,” Carmine murmured.
“I don’t know what to do,” I continued, spilling my fears.
“Trust me,” Carmine said, stepping forward. He cupped my face and kissed me gently.
I loved these sweet kisses; they were Carmine through and through. He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me as he deepened the kiss. A tingling sensation started in my spine, and I shivered under his touch. Carmine raised his head and smiled before claiming my mouth again.
“You always taste of strawberries,” he groaned and kissed me. Carmine’s hands slid down my shoulders, and I was hyper-aware of them. They moved to my waist, and Carmine slowly untucked my top and lifted it upwards. Shyly, I covered my breasts, and Carmine shook his head.