Page 38 of Carmine
“Carmine, a chat show request from Lara Storm is nothing to be sniffed at,” Freddie announced, and I sighed.
“Freddie, I said no to all of that shit,” I replied.
“You need to listen. The press may not be putting shit in print, but it’s out there. And I can fucking guarantee that the next story will have more shit. You gotta get ahead of this, and Lara Storm is the best host around. She isn’t judgemental nor out for gossip, she wants facts. Lara’s a rare one,” Freddie pushed.
“And have the world judge me?” I asked.
“You were a victim, Carmine. Let everyone understand that and let them see you now. You survived some horrific stuff, my friend. And made a success of your life. Tell them. And Lara also wants Molly. Give your woman a platform, and shut those crazy rumours up,” Freddie said.
“Freddie, I don’t know. What happened was personal, and I don’t want it splashed all over the media,” I replied.
“Carmine, it’s out. You need to reply. Phoe’s statement is a stopgap, but the paparazzi are going to dig. You do this interview and get the public on your side, then the media stops,” Freddie argued.
“Nothing stops those assholes,” I rejected that.
“Public opinion does. If they see it swaying to you, they won’t write shit because it will not sell papers.”
“Let me talk to Molly,” I finally said. “Her decision is final.”
I flinched as the makeup lady came at me with the brush again. “Don’t I have enough on?” I asked.
“Just a touch up. Relax, it’s not as much as other celebs wear,” Hilary replied.
“But I’m not a celeb.”
“Right now, you are,” Hilary responded, and I paused, and then panic kicked in.
“What was I thinking? I can’t do this; this isn’t my life!”
“Hi, Molly,” a voice called, and I turned to see Lara Storm heading towards me. Damn, she was beautiful and confident. Everything I wasn’t.
Lara nodded at Hilary and dismissed her.
“Hello,” I replied shyly.
“Molly, I’m so happy you agreed to do this. And if I’m a judge of character, you said yes, for Carmine’s sake. But I did read the two packs you sent in. I’m appalled at how you were treated, and those assholes need calling out. I’ve a list of questions here that I’ll be asking, I thought you might want them before we start recording?” Lara offered me a piece of paper.
As I scrolled down, I began to relax. The questions weren’t as prying as I assumed.
“Ignore the camera and the audience and concentrate on me. This lucky charm was given to me for my first interview, I hope it helps you as much as me.” Lara handed me a small horseshoe on a keychain.
“This is very kind of you,” I murmured.
“People like Carmine and I get used to interviews. But we never forget how scary our first was. I’m not out to make a name for myself stirring up trouble. I’ve been on the receiving end of that myself. My chat show will always stand for integrity and honesty for as long as I am in charge and presenting it,” Lara said with a smile.
“And the viewing numbers show that the public love that. You have gritty subjects but treat people with respect,” Carmine stated, approaching. He dropped a kiss on Lara’s cheek and wrapped an arm around me, hauling me close. “Are you okay, my sweet girl?”
“A little panicked,” I replied.
“I’ve had the usual armchairs removed, and a sofa is being brought in for you to sit on. I could see Carmine settling you on his lap if he thought you were distressed.” Lara laughed.
Carmine shrugged. “Yeah, that’s something I’d do.”
“See you in twenty minutes. Molly, check those questions over. I may ask extra, but they will be based around them.”