Page 70 of The Crowing of Hell
“Hello, Kendara, may I be of assistance?” he asked.
What the fuck?
He gazed at the clock, puzzled. It was ten, and Kendara was supposed to be here an hour ago. Kenny hadn’t answered any of his texts since she’d said she was at the park. At first, Rooster thought the boys had played up, and she’d been kept busy. But now he was growing concerned. For the past sixty minutes, he’d also texted the kids and got nothing back. Leaving Link for a few minutes, Rooster left the room and walked outside to the corridor.
“Shotgun? Sorry to call so late, but can you run over to my house and see if everything is alright with Kenny and the children? They are not answering their phones,” Rooster asked.
“Sure, give me five mins,” Shotgun replied and hung up.
Eight minutes later, Shotgun called back. “They’re not here. Did Kendara say she was taking them somewhere?”
“No, she said they were at the park and then going home, and she was gonna order a takeaway and a movie to calm them down. Fuck!” Rooster cried.
“Don’t panic yet. Let me phone around,” Shotgunreplied. “Stay with Link, and I will update you in fifteen.”
“You better, brother. I’ll be waiting,” Rooster groaned and disconnected and walked inside to Link.
Fifteen minutes later, he was back outside and expecting Shotgun’s call. His phone rang, and he grabbed it.
“Nobody has seen Kendara or the boys since she left the hospital. Chance is alerting all brothers that they are missing, and we are sending patrols out. He’s calling Lio to get the SPD to look out for her car.”
“Get someone up here with Link, I need to be out there searching for them,” Rooster ordered, his gut seizing on him.
“We’re looking, Roo,” Shotgun said.
“Those are my sons and my woman brother; I need to be there.”
“Rooster!” Sarah called with alarm.
Rooster spun around. “It’s Link, come now!”
“Shit!” Rooster shouted, feeling helpless.
“Stay with your baby. We’ll handle the boys and Kendara. Trust us, we’re calling allies and everyone,” Shotgun said and hung up.
Rooster stared at his phone in despair. He was being torn.
“Rooster!” Sarah cried, and his feet began moving. He could help one of his children. He barrelled through the doors to see Doctor Wainscott racingaway, with Link’s incubator being pushed behind by two nurses.
“Link started throwing up blood. Doctor Wainscott thinks he has a bowel blockage as he was crying in pain and scrunching his legs up,” Sarah explained as he stared after Link.
“Will he make it? Link’s too tiny for surgery,” Rooster gritted out.
“Doctor Wainscott is the best, Link is stronger than he was three days ago,” Sarah said.
“Is my son gonna pull through?”
“I honestly don’t know.”
“Thanks, brother, she was driving Rooster’s truck, you need the plates?” Chance asked Inglorious.
“Nope, we got them. My club is riding. We’ll cover our land and move towards Spearfish,” Inglorious stated, and hung up.