Page 37 of The Crowing of Hell
“Wow, you don’t hold your punches,” Kit said from the living room doorway.
“You remember that!” I warned the cheeky boy.
He tilted his chin and ducked inside the room.
“Jesus, I need eyes in the back of my head,” I muttered. If only I knew how true that was.
Chapter Eight.
As Mac stomped into the kitchen, Rooster held a finger up and listened to what Lance was saying.
“Yeah, get them on it, if you don’t mind,” Rooster said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Charge me.”
Rooster hung up, and before Mac could start ranting, he spoke. “We need to move Kenny now, like literally. The feed’s been hacked, and someone’s watching us right now. At the same time, they’re looping a different feed, which shows nobody here. Kenny’s in fuckin’ danger.”
Mac spun on his heel and raced for the stairs. Rooster grabbed the boys and ordered them into the car.
“Stop! What’s the rush?” Kenny hissed as Mac literally dragged her downstairs.
“Somebody’s hacked into the feed. They’rewatching you. Get your ass in the cage,” Mac retorted. Kenny tensed before leaving.
“Take what Kenny’s packed for now. I’m gonna call for an escort. If they have ears, they know her destination. Tomorrow I’ll get some brothers to accompany the old ladies, and they can pack the rest of her shit. Kenny goes nowhere without someone; you get me?” Mac demanded.
“Don’t worry about Kenny. Hellfire will protect her like she’s our own,” Rooster replied. “And leave the case here; we don’t know if it’s bugged.”
“Fuck, never thought of that.”
“I’ll get the old ladies to fetch her some clothes. Thalia loves an excuse to hit the shops,” Rooster replied.
They left the house, locked up, and headed for their vehicles.
“Drive to Rage. Drake will organise an escort,” Mac stated, glancing at his phone.
Rooster nodded in reply. He climbed behind the wheel of the car and saw the boys safely belted in. Kenny sat in the passenger seat, holding herself rigid. Rooster reached out and squeezed her leg.
“Shit’s gonna be okay, babe. Trust me.”
“You I trust, Roo. It’s the unknown that I fear,” Kenny murmured.
“And that’s wise. But don’t let that rule you,” Rooster said as he backed out. Mac fell in behind them, and they drove to Rage. The entire trip was tense, even though Rooster tried to ease it by talking shit. But he sensed Kenny was terrified somethingwould happen to the boys. She kept glancing one way and then another, and at crossings, she tensed up, almost expecting a car to hit her.
Once on Rage, Kenny relaxed as the escort was arranged, and then they departed. An hour later, she collapsed in Rooster’s spare bedroom with a headache. Rooster wasn’t surprised, considering the stress she’d put herself under. He and Rage kept a close lookout for tails but found none.
Chance was waiting for him when he’d settled Kenny.
“Come to the clubhouse when you can. Need to talk,” Chance said. “For now, we got family with us.”
Gunner, Rock, Apache, Ezra, and Lowrider had accompanied Mac. If the car had been forced off the road, they all had a person to grab and ride to safety. Ezra had been Kenny’s, and the kids had been divided between the others.
Rooster left the boys with Clio and Chey, who’d arrived at his house moments after Kenny had hit the sack. They agreed to call Rooster if he was needed but ushered him out.
Bemused as it was his home after all, Rooster headed for the clubhouse, where Rage was having a drink. All of Hellfire, including the prospects, were present.
“What’s going on?” Chance asked.
Rooster and Mac both took turns explaining what had happened.