Page 33 of The Crowing of Hell
“What do you find is strange?”
“As I said, we hardly know one another, and yet you want me to stay here for my safety. I don’t understand why you’re so invested in what I do,” Kenny answered.
“Because I hauled you from a burning car, and that makes your well-being my responsibility,” Rooster repeated, and Kenny bristled.
“Rooster, I’m twenty-nine years old. I’ve been alone for years and can take care of myself. This fuss isn’t really necessary,” Kenny retorted.
“Okay, babe, I’ll take you home. During the night, someone breaks into your place. Security is alerted and alert Rage. Both police and Rage are heading towards you. It’s at least ten minutes until somebody arrives. It takes thirty seconds for someone to storm up your stairs and shoot you dead. Your help racingtowards you will be nine and a half minutes late,” Rooster said baldly.
“Well shit, I don’t think I like you.” Kenny pouted.
“That’s okay, but at least you’ll be alive to dislike me,” Rooster agreed with a chuckle.
“Fine, I’ll stay. Phoe has already told me I’m not allowed back for four weeks until my ribs heal properly. I’ll stay for a week; that should give Rage and Hellfire plenty of time to find the culprit,” Kenny begrudgingly offered.
“That’s good,” Rooster said, taking the win.
I’m sure Rooster thought he’d won a major battle, but he hadn’t. What Rooster had suggested made sense, and I was putting Blue and Rage in harm’s way. Rooster had made a valid point. Rage was spread out in Rapid City, whereas from what I had seen, most of Hellfire lived at the compound. There were only a couple of homes built, but there were trailers parked around that I assumed belonged to the brothers. They were on large plots of land, which, again, I guessed, was where they were building their houses.
I’d also got Rooster to agree to take me home so I could pack some shit. There was no way I wanted to wear borrowed clothes, no matter how nice they were. Saying that, I was currently wearing a huge teeof Roosters which hung mid-thigh as I waited for mine to wash.
Clio had sent some brand-new underwear over, but I had more junk in the trunk than her, and they barely covered my ass cheeks. The washing machine beeped, and I whipped the clothes out and shoved them in the dryer. At least I would be comfortable in the morning. I hurried back along the hallway, aware the boys were now in bed.
Rooster had said to make myself at home and then disappeared. Idly, I wondered where he’d gone, but it felt too rude to pry. Instead, I headed for the bedroom I’d woken in and climbed into bed before grabbing my phone. I had the Kindle app on there and would read until I fell to sleep.
A soft noise woke me up, and I blinked against the bright sunlight shining through the curtains. My phone was on the bedside table, and I knew I’d not put it there. Plus, someone had tucked me in. Blast, I’d been so tired I must have fallen asleep sitting up. I didn’t even recall reading as I planned to.
The faint sound echoed again, and I wondered what was happening.
“Brax, you can’t just enter the room,” Kit hissed.
“That’s my angel, I found her first,” Brax insisted.
A smile crossed my lips as I listened in.
“That’s a woman we’re looking after,” Finn interrupted.
“No, she’s my angel, so shut the fu—hey, Dad!”
I stifled a laugh at Brax’s abrupt sentence change. Rooster had his hands full with these boys, and I loved them already.
“Yeah, you better watch your mouth, boy. Who wants to help make breakfast?”
“Do we have to?” Brax whined.
“No. You’ll have toast while Kit, Finn, and I make Kenny something to eat,” Rooster said.
“That’s my Kenny!” Brax howled, latching on to my name, and I heard a stomping of feet.
“Wow, Dad, way to go. Brax never makes breakfast. Could we keep her?” Kit gasped.
“Dude, Kenny’s a person. We can’t keep a person,” Finn argued.
“Yeah? How much does anyone wanna bet Brax is working on a way?” Kit responded.