Page 46 of A Kiss of Deception
Istretch languidly, savoring the delicious ache in my muscles. Milkor's demonic form certainly lived up to expectations.
"Come," I purr, sliding off the bed. "I want to show you something special."
Milkor raises an eyebrow, curiosity warring with suspicion in his eyes. I can't blame him - after our intense encounter, this might seem an odd time for a tour. But I have my reasons. It's time to show him the true extent of my power, to make him understand exactly what he's dealing with. And perhaps, to give him a glimpse of what his future might hold.
Milkor grunts, following me with reluctance. I lead him down a winding staircase, deeper into the bowels of my lair. The air grows thick and damp, heavy with the scent of earth and old stone. Torches flicker in iron sconces, casting dancing shadows on the rough-hewn walls. Our footsteps echo in the narrow passage, a rhythmic counterpoint to the distant drip of water.
As we descend, the temperature drops noticeably. Milkor's breath fogs in the air, a stark contrast to my own. I trail my fingers along the cool stone, feeling the pulse of ancient magicthrumming beneath my fingertips. This place is old, older than even I truly know, its secrets buried deep within these walls.
"Welcome to my collection," I announce as we reach the bottom.
"Why collect them?" Milkor asks, his voice a low growl.
I smile, running my hand along the bars of the nearest cage. "Power, of course. Knowledge. Each of these creatures holds secrets, abilities that I can... borrow, when needed. But more than that, they're a testament to my skill, my cunning. Each one a unique challenge, a puzzle to be solved."
My eyes gleam in the torchlight. "And there's something intoxicating about having such diverse beauty at my fingertips. Don't you think?"
"This strapping fellow is my orc," I say, gesturing to a hulking green-skinned brute. "Quite the stamina on him. Found him leading a raid on a nearby village. It took some... convincing, but he saw reason eventually."
Next is a pale, ethereal being with pointed ears. "My prized elf. So graceful, aren't they? This one was a princess, if you can believe it. She chose my dungeon over an arranged marriage. Smart girl."
I pause before a cage holding a snarling beast-man. "Ah, my manticore. He's rather... bitey. Tracked him for months before I finally caught him. Now he's as tame as a cub... most of the time."
Milkor's eyes narrow as we pass a vampire, his nostrils flaring at the scent of undeath. The vampire merely smiles, fangs glinting in the low light.
The naga’s tank draws a different reaction. Milkor approaches cautiously, studying the creature with a mix of fascination and revulsion. "How does it breathe?" he mutters, more to himself than to me.
When we reach the human's cage, Milkor's expression softens for a moment. Is that pity I see in his eyes? But it's gone in an instant, replaced by his usual scowl.
"Even managed to snag myself a human," I add, nodding towards a man. "Bit dull, but they have their uses."
Milkor's brow furrows as he scans the cages. His gaze lingers on each creature, studying their placid expressions.
"Why aren't they trying to escape?" He turns to me, suspicion etched across his demonic features. "None of them even look upset."
A smile tugs at my lips. I trail my fingers along the cool metal bars, savoring the thrum of power beneath my skin. "Oh, my sweet demon. They have no desire to leave."
"Bullshit," he growls.
I laugh, the sound echoing off the damp stone walls. "Is it so hard to believe that I'm a benevolent mistress?"
"Given how you tricked me? Yes."
"Fair enough." I shrug, sauntering over to the naga tank. "But you'll learn, in time."
The naga presses his webbed hands against the glass, eyes wide with adoration. I blow him a kiss.
"See? Happy as can be."
Milkor snorts. "What did you do to them?"
I smile enigmatically. "A combination of things, my dear. A dash of magic, a sprinkle of manipulation, and a generous helping of... let's call it persuasion."
I trace a symbol in the air, and a faint shimmer appears around each cage.