Page 77 of Inevitable (King Crime Family 2)
“You miss the man I used to be? The cold, heartless killer I used to be? You miss that?” I can feel the anger inside of me spiking, yet as she looks at me, she seems unfazed by it. As if this is what she wanted all along. To see me fall off the deep end into unclear waters. I left that man behind and for good reason. He has no place amongst a wife and child.
“That’s the man I fell in love with, the man I knew would forever set my body ablaze. It is always you, and even though you’re different now, in comparison to who you were then, I know that man is still in there somewhere. He’s lingering under the surface just waiting to burst free.”
I stare into her eyes as tension fills my body. I want to be angry with her, but how can I be? She fell in love with the darkest parts of me, the parts no one else understood.
“I’m not saying you should go back to your old ways and kill people, I just want you to let that part out with me… when it’s just us.”
I growl her name. She’s pushing my boundaries. She’s going to cause me to break, and in turn, I’ll break her. I’ll make the past and present collide in ways that will cause her skin to burn.
“I missed you.” She gets up from her seat, crossing the room to stand before me. She’s everything I have ever craved. Even after having Gia, and her body changing, she’s just as beautiful, if not more so. Her hair is as dark as coffee, her eyes a mix of the sun and chocolate. She smells like heaven, and if I reach out and taste her, I bet she’ll taste like it too.
“Show me!” I cave, allowing an old sinister part of me to peek out and come back to life. I can feel my heart rate rising, my body growing warmer and more excited by the second as a sexy-as-hell smile pulls at her lips.
She reaches to the back of her dress, the sound of a zipper unzipping fills the air. I lick my lips in anticipation, watching the top of the dress fall from her shoulders as she shimmies out of it. It slips from her body, leaving her exposed to the devil himself.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” I murmur, my eyes lingering on her breasts. She has on a black lace bra that shows her perfectly puckered nipples. Goosebumps pebble across her skin as she stands before me as if she is waiting for my command.
“I want to be bad, Mr. King.” Her eyes light up with darkness. She knows how much I desire her, how much I hunger for the dark and dangerous bond between us. She’s the match I need to burn the whole fucking place to the ground.
“Drop to your knees,” I order. Standing up, I undo my belt, gripping the buckle tightly as I watch her slip to the ground so slowly it almost hurts. I walk around her, coming to a stop with her back to my front.
She doesn’t move an inch as I trace my fingers over the bra straps on her shoulders. A shudder works its way through me as I slip them down, leaving them to hang off her arms.
I slip from my pants and underwear in one fluid motion. I have no reason to be anything more than naked. Silence settles between us, but I can hear her pulse racing, every swallow she takes. I can feel the connection between us reforming, the passion we shared growing.
“I’m going to fuck you. Not just any way…I’m going to spread you wide,” I whisper. “Then, I’m going to find that sweet little bud that makes you scream and suck on it until it’s raw…” Her moan fills the air as sex seems to sweat from our pores. My fingers slip down her back, causing a path of fire to start.
“Once I’m done making you come harder than you ever have, I’m going to drive my aching cock inside of you, and I won’t stop,” I growl, gripping the back of her panties as I pull them tight against her mound. I know what I’m doing, I know she wants the sting of pain and danger back, and I’ll give her just that.
“I’ll fuck every hole of yours, making you scream until everyone in the neighborhood knows my name. Until you beg me to stop because you can’t come even once more and then…” Her face falls against the couch cushions, and a soft whimper escapes her lips as she lifts with my pull.
“I’ll fucking start all over again.” With one tight pull, the barely there panties are gone, her juicy ass in its place. I slap it once, causing the orb to grow red and for her to sigh heavily.