Page 61 of Indebted (King Crime Family 1)
I pull my phone out, handing the gun to Amara as I pull her along and down the hall. The rest of his men will be on alert. They will come, I know it.
I push Jared’s contact name, and the phone starts ringing.
“We need to leave, we’re on our way out. I will meet you by the road,” I huff out as we push down the hall.
“What happened?” he asks. He knows better than to not assume something has happened. Maybe it is the way I sound or the fact that usually when things like this happen, it isn’t good.
“I’m shot. I need you to contact Mack and Eli, let them know. We need backup. Then I need you to take us to the cabin.” Fuck, I should have brought them in the first place.
“The cabin?” He knows what the cabin is. It is our hideout. It’s to be used for emergencies only. This, I think, will qualify as a fucking emergency.
“Yes, the cabin. We need to go into hiding. I just killed Luccio.” As soon as I say it, I hang up, not wanting to waste any more time rambling.
“Are you going to be okay? You’re bleeding a lot,” Amara says anxiously. She is pulling me along, and as soon as we make it to the front door, I know shit is about to get bad.
“Where are you going?” A man barks behind us. He’s bald and heavyset, but it isn’t the fat kind. It is the fuck you up kind. I am in no shape to be beating the shit out of this guy. We need to run.
“He’s going to kill us, he’s going to kill us…” Amara keeps chanting as we move down the front steps. I can hear the man’s feet pounding across the ground.
“What the fuck are you doing?” the voice growls. We are moving faster, barely, but we are, crossing the pavement outside.
“Stop now, or we’ll shoot!” We are outnumbered. I don’t want Amara to get shot, but we need to get out to have a chance of surviving this. And then the bullets come.
“He killed Luccio!” Someone yells directly behind us. Amara is breathing heavily as she helps carry my weight.
“We’re going to die,” she says, crazed, as we run into the bushes. We have to climb the wall, and I’m not sure I’m going to make it. I’m a tough son of a bitch, but bullets are whizzing past us at every fucking angle. If I have to make a choice between Amara and myself, it will be her. She will get over that fucking wall if I have anything to do with it.
“They’re over here…” A voice yells as the branches poke at my shoulder. I’m burning up, and my body fucking burns like I’m being eaten by the fucking sun.
“Go...” I say, bending down and grabbing her leg, so I can lift her up and over. She hesitates only for a moment as I watch her hand reach up and grip the wall. The men are descending on us quickly, one of the bullets comes shooting through the bush and lands mere inches from my face.
“Come on!” she screams over the bullets, her small hand showing just over the edge of the wall. My eyes are blurring as I push forward, my hand landing in hers. Reaching up with my shot arm, I grip the side of the wall to pull myself up.
“Come on, Enzo.” I can hear the panic in her voice as I push myself up. It’s a slow movement, and I feel I’d rather rip my fucking arm off than continued doing this. Just as I’m about halfway over, a hand grips my foot.
“Oh, no, you don’t. You’re going to pay for what you did.” I look down to see the asshole who had been barking at us as we ran from the house. He has a gun pointed at my back, his hand is on my foot, pulling me downward.
It’s now or never. If I don’t make the selfless decision to let go of her hand, he will find her, and she will die, too. I don’t care about anything in my life, but I have slowly grown to care for her. Even a smidge of pain or hurt to her body will push me over the edge.
My hand is slipping from hers as the man pulls me down. “You’ll pay. We’ll torture the fuck out of you. Rip that tongue of yours out, beat the shit out of you, and then…” Silence. I hear the sound of the gun being shot, but I’m not sure if it is his gun or someone else’s.
I turn around to see the man lying on the ground, a pool of blood already starting to form around him. Then I look back up and see Amara sitting on the top edge of the wall, her small body shaking, the gun is in her hand, and she looks scared shitless.