Page 47 of Indebted (King Crime Family 1)
He pulls a set of keys from his pocket as we pass the door that leads to the cell that had been my home for a few days.
The door before us is wooden, wide, and large. I wonder what is behind it, but at the same time, I don’t want to know. Enzo has secrets. Who knows what, or who, he has buried down here.
Opening the door, he smiles at me. It isn’t a warm and friendly one, but more like one from a serial killer. Along the lines of, I will eat you alive and laugh while doing it.
I enter the room carefully, afraid something will jump out at any point and time. He moves behind me ever so slowly, like a snake ready to strike. The room is simple, except there are drawers that line one of the wooden walls.
What they contain, I have no idea. I’m sure I’m about to find out, though.
“Go stand at the end of that wall…” He points to the far wall, the one that seems as if it is a million miles away.
Dread eats at my insides. Is this the end? Is he going to kill me? I try my best not to show weakness, but I know as much as he does, that he will kill me if he wants to.
With my head held high, I walk the distance as if I’m walking to my own funeral. Turning around to face him, I stand against the wall with my back straight. If I am going to die, I will be dying in a way that says I stood tall and proud when I was given no other choice.
A smirk lights his face. It is devious and makes the darkness in his eyes seem that much darker. His body looks hungry for either release or bloodshed.
The silence stretches between us, and I’m sure that this will be the end. I watch as he pulls open a drawer, his eyes growing wide with happiness as he handles whatever is in his hands.
I look up through the shitty lighting to see a knife sitting on the palm of his hand. He grabs the end of it like he has experience using it. He probably does…
“If you’re going to kill me, just do it.” The words rush from my lips, unintentionally. He peeks up at me again, pushing away a couple pieces of his dark hair that have landed on his forehead.
“I’m not going to kill you... yet. Instead, I’m going to do something far worse…” He examines the knife like he isn’t sure that it will do its job. If he isn’t going to kill me, what is he going to do?
His body is full of pent-up aggression, and it’s like watching a train wreck happen in slow motion. I don’t care what he says, he is going to kill me. I know it.
My mind is reeling, and then in a blink of an eye, I watch him throw the knife right at me.16EnzoThe knife lands with precision right where I expect it to—just shy of cutting her ear off. A breath of an inch closer, and she would have been one ear short.
Her eyes are as wide as saucers. Fear is rooted deeply in them, and I know she thinks I’m going to kill her. She thinks that one of these many knives is meant for her.
She is wrong. None of the knives are meant for her—they are meant for me.
“Whatever fucking crazy ass rollercoaster you’re on, I want off.” She is tiny but sounds like a ferocious beast. Her eyes are filled with fire, but her body trembles with fear.
“Sorry, no refunds, baby,” I taunt, grabbing another knife from the drawer. I can go all night. There are knives upon knives that can be thrown, but I have other ideas about what I can do with them.
“Then kill me. Do it. Because this game, or whatever it is that you’re playing, is fucking with my head. You’re fucking with my head. Just do what you planned to do all along.”
My dick grows harder with every word that passes from those full lips of hers.
I throw another knife. It lands a few inches away from her but on the other side of her head this time. Her face is flushed with fear, and I know if I remove her clothing, I will find other parts of her body flushed as well. She’s beautiful even as she trembles.
“What I plan to do to you doesn’t pertain to actual death, although after I bring you to the edge repeatedly, I’m sure you will wish I had just killed you.”
Her face shows understanding as her lips part. Is she ready for me already? Does this type of thing bring her pleasure? Maybe she is darker than I thought.