Page 20 of Indebted (King Crime Family 1)
“Ahhh, continue telling me how much of a monster I am. Please,” I mockingly plead, tilting my head at her. She narrows her eyes, and her tongue dips out of her mouth and onto her bottom lip to moisten it. She looks like a snake ready to strike.
Her eyes leave mine as she adjusts herself in the bed, her body rolling over as she pulls the covers up and over her head. I must have misread her. I thought for sure she was going to come at me with something snarky.
I head into the bathroom to wash my hands and dispose of my blood-covered clothing before making my way back out to her. It’s strange seeing a woman in my bed, but at the same time, it fits. Like she belonged here all along.
“Are we done playing games already?” I taunt her, walking over to the bed and sliding into my spot. She scoots closer to her side as if getting away from me is her number one priority. That’s too bad because getting closer to her is mine.
Reaching out, I put my hand under the blanket and latch onto her arm. A squeal escapes her mouth as I pull her toward me. Of course, she has to fight me.
“Let go of me,” she grits out as she tries to shake me off. Does she think she can win? Does she think I won’t hurt her? I will…
Fuck, I won’t…
“Nope.” I pull harder until she is on my side of the bed, and I’m leaning over her. Our chests are pushed against one another’s, and her breaths are coming at a rate that is way higher than normal.
“Stop,” she breathes out in frustration.
“Why?” I ask, cocking my head, enjoying our current interaction very much. I’m not touching her, at least not like I want to be.
“We don’t know each other. You said we’d take it slow.”
“I also said to obey me, or I won’t be so nice anymore.”
“I don’t think there is a single person in the world who would use the word nice to describe you.” Her voice no longer that of the meek girl she had just been, I smile to myself at the strength she is showing. It will be a pleasure to break her. “And you can’t hold it against me that I don’t want to sleep with a man I only met yesterday under the worst circumstances ever.”
I laugh a full, belly shaking laugh. “You do realize that you… well, mostly your body, will be paying your father’s debt, don’t you? Every moan, groan, orgasm, and every spread of those legs will be payment. Don’t act like you didn’t know what you signed up for.” Her eyes dilate as her breaths become pants. For a long moment, she says nothing, and I try to figure out how much of her reaction is fear and how much is desire.
Suddenly, she finds her voice. “I didn’t have any other option. I would rather be taken than lose my only parent.”
Her statement tugs at my heart, pulling me out of the haze that is consuming me. I can tell myself over and over again that I don’t have a heart, but every word that comes from her mouth reminds me that I do.
“Roll over and go to sleep,” I grudgingly command, standing from the bed. She looks at me in confusion, wrinkles marring her beautiful face. She is beautiful, unlike anything I’m used to. Her face is soft, her cheeks full, and she radiates youthfulness. Her nose is small, and her teeth are straight and white. She is simple, but at the same time, not so simple, you wouldn’t notice her.
“Did I finally hit a sore spot?” she taunts, sitting up from her lying position. Her voice is pitched, and her face is etched in anger. I want to be proud that she has a backbone, but I also want to break it, snapping it into itty-bitty pieces.
“No. You merely reminded me that I can’t care for the wounded, sick little puppies like yourself.” It is a knee-jerk response to fire back a shitty remark.
“I’m not a wounded, sick puppy. I’m a girl who lost her mom to cancer and is doing her father a favor because she doesn’t want him to die.” Her voice echoes off the ceiling and rings in my ears. My veins fill with acid as I stalk over to her. She is small and innocent, but she is prey lying in my bed.
“Did you just yell at me?” I ask coolly. Now she really did hit a nerve, and the only way I know how to deal with things that get on my nerves is to kill them. Except I can’t kill her.
Lowering her voice and keeping it even, she answers, “I told you exactly what I’ve wanted to since you tied me up in my home.” This time she is the one radiating coldness, and that angers me even more. This woman is infuriating. I hate and love it at the same time.