Page 16 of Indebted (King Crime Family 1)
“How did you imagine things to be?”
“I figured you would put me in a cell, some kind of dungeon, maybe.” She grabs the first pair of underwear she finds and puts them on, followed by a bra.
“The day is still young,” I quip, making her flinch. “I’ve told you, I’ll treat you nicely as long as you behave.” I step into my boxers and pull on my shirt, while Amara takes a dress from the hanger and slips into it.
“You’ve also beat up my father, basically kidnapped me, and worst of all, you’ve admitted to planning all of this. So, sorry if I don’t believe everything you say.”
Closing the distance between us, I shove her against the drawers lining the walls. Crowding her with my body, our size difference becomes more apparent.
“That mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble,” I say, inches from her face. My chest is pressed against hers, letting me feel her hardened nipples through the fabric between us.
“I’ve heard that a few times. I’ll try to filter what I say… but no promises.”
“You better do more than try…” I let the threat hang in the air as I step away, giving her some breathing room. She needs to understand that this isn’t a game.
Even though I like her sass, if she says shit like that in front of the wrong person, I’ll have no choice but to punish her, and she is not going to like that as much as the other things I have planned for her.5AmaraSleeping next to Lorenzo and waking up in his bed is strange. Actually, strange is putting it mildly. Is there a word that comes after strange? If there is, that’s how I’m feeling.
Even stranger was seeing him walking around naked in front of me like it’s the most normal thing in the world. Maybe it is to him, we are in his bedroom after all. It was definitely new to me, and the way my body reacted was also new territory. The moisture between my legs, the throbbing of my pussy, and the way my nipples tighten… I’ve never felt like this before.
Knowing who he is and what he has done, I’m ashamed that I react to him like this. What would my father think of me? The thought is like an ice bucket of water dumped on my head. I don’t want to sleep with him, or at least I shouldn’t want to.
He didn’t take me last night. In fact, he stayed on his side of the bed all night. I know it won’t last long, though. One way or another, I will have to spread my legs for him.
I really wish I wouldn’t have been such a prude until now. I’ve had two boyfriends, but didn’t do anything besides kissing with either. I don’t know why. It just didn’t feel right at the time.
Now I wish I had slept with someone before. It would have been better than giving that part of me to someone who doesn’t deserve it. I should have given it to someone who treasured it and who actually loved me. Not a monster who forces me to stay with him and locks me in his room.
After breakfast, he left me here in his bedroom, telling me he had some things to do. I’ve been sitting cross-legged in the center of the large bed, not sure what to do besides looking out of the window and enjoying the view.
Lorenzo told me I could read or watch TV, but my mind is too scrambled to concentrate on either. There are too many thoughts and feelings floating around my head untamed and uncensored.
Very briefly, I toy with the idea of escape, but that thought vanishes as quickly as it appears. He was very clear about what would happen if I ran. I’m not risking my father’s life, no matter what Lorenzo will do to me.
I do, however, get curious about the clothes he bought me. Getting up from the bed, I walk into the closet and start going through all the garments hanging on my side. This morning, I quickly grabbed the first thing I saw, wanting to spend the least amount of time possible naked.
Now that I have time on my hands, I can actually take it in. I have to admit, it’s extremely nice stuff—expensive brands and soft materials. I’ve never had anything so luxurious to wear, and I hate how much I like it.
I’ve never considered myself to be high maintenance or boastful when it comes to clothes and showing off my body. I don’t care for designer shoes and purses. Even in school, I never cared if I wore name brand stuff.
But having it now, seeing how great it looks on me and how wonderful it feels on my skin is kind of nice. It’s also a great distraction from all the problems I’m facing.