Page 21 of Friend Zoned - Love Trap
We leave our reception, Tyler and Coop’s parents clapping as we do so. Well, Tyler isn’t clapping exactly—he’s being crazy and whooping and hollering. We glance back for a second, but after that we only have eyes for each other, something we always seem to do. In a crowded room or when we’re people watching, our gazes always seem to gravitate to one another, and I love it more each and every day.EpilogueCooperFIVE YEARS LATER“You going to be quiet?” I groan into her ear. My front is plastered to her back, our fingers locked with each other’s as I take her from behind. Our love for one another has only gotten deeper with every passing year, with each child we bring into our lives. It’s been nothing but up. Even with the small hiccups we’ve had along the way. That was mostly during the home buying process and the occasional times when Hadley leaves her shoes littered by the entrance from the garage and I almost trip over them.
“Not when you do that, I can’t.” The rasp in her tone, the way she’s trying not to be loud and wake up our two daughters. I know what she means though. She tips her hips back, causing me to sink inside her tight cunt further while I rotate my own. It’s enough to make me have to take a break so I don’t come inside her.
“You have to be, or we’ll be getting interrupted a-fucking-gain.” I slowly slide out before slamming inside of her once I catch my breath. I love Lilian and Delilah, but I swear they take after their Uncle Tyler in the clock-blocking department.
“Don’t jinx us.” Our bodies are slick with sweat, both of us reaching for that deep-seated need to come together. I know one thing for sure, if we don’t wrap this up soon, neither of us will be coming until nap time, and that’s too fucking far away when we only just woke up. This time, it was Hadley’s mouth on my cock waking me up, but last time, it was me licking a path down her body, taking in every new curve she’s developed along the way, even when she tries to hide the marks our girls have left on her. I pay no mind to them. Those marks show proof of our children and the love we share.
“You ready to come?” If she doesn’t get there, it really won’t happen, and I’ll be damned if I come before she does.
“Yes.” I can feel her pussy tightening around my length, and I know just what to do to push her over the edge. I untangle my hand from hers. My fingers coast down her body, heading to the place where I know she needs that bite of pain that she loves so much.
“You want this, don’t you, my hand on your pussy while I sink my cock in you, taking your hard and fast.” My fingers find her clit, teasing her at first, trying to catch her body off guard. When her body starts to shake and her head drops to the mattress, I go for broke. I slap her pussy while I slide deep inside her. Our bodies locking up as we both find our orgasm.
“Cooper.” Her moan is silent but gives away just how satiated she is. I know for damn sure my wife will be falling back asleep the minute I clean her up.
“I know, darlin’, I know.” I kiss the side of her neck before I slide out of her. When she moves to get up, I press down on her lower back, letting her know I want her to stay.
I head to the bathroom, the one Hadley re-designed after we purchased an older home. I’m still not sure till this day what she was thinking when she asked for all-white bathrooms and a kitchen, not with our rapscallions who love to make a mess daily, if not hourly. I smirk to myself, grab two washcloths, wet one, and go take care of Hadley.
“Too sensitive,” she whispers when I clean her with the warm washcloth.
“Shh, go back to sleep. The girls will be up in a few minutes. We’ll go grab some donuts and wake you up when we get back.” She rolls over, her body still naked. It’s making me hard all over again.
“Thank you,” she sighs, already falling back asleep, leaving me wanting her again. Christ, it never gets old.
“You’re welcome. Be back soon.” I kiss the corner of her mouth and back away. Grab some shorts, a shirt, and then make my way to the kitchen to wait for the other two ladies in my life to wake up and come scrounging for food. Lillian just turned four, and Delilah three, both looking so much like their mother I know I’ll have my hands full.