Page 53 of Pregnant By the Bratva Boss
“ bastard! How could you?”
“Me?” A throaty chuckle rumbled at the back of my throat. “I had no hand in this. This is all on you, Freya Fox.You’rethe reason your sweet rescue officer is unconscious and hanging upside down from the ceiling with knife cuts on his body and a bruised face. I told you, didn’t I? I told you what I would do to you if you betrayed me. Yet you fucking did it anyway.”
He’d received the package quite well, alright, and Nikolai did a fantastic job delivering it. Maybe better than I would have.
I pulled out my gun from between my belt, behind my back, and stuck the muzzle under her chin to bring her eyes to mine. She froze, terrified, inhaling shaky breaths. With the hatred burning in my eyes, she already knew her sentence.
“Please, no....” Her voice broke. “Please, I’m begging you, don’t kill me.”
I pressed the cold steel deeper into her skin. “I warned you.”
“And I’m sorry...” she choked out, her words ending in a sob. “I swear, I’m sorry. I don’t want to die.”
“You should have thought of that before making that call.”
Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she closed her eyes, waiting for the bullet. Still, she couldn’t hide the trembling of her shoulders and the wobbling of her lip.
From the corner, Anna chose that moment to run in, with ashen cheeks, looking more petrified than the woman with the gun pressed to her chin.
“Boss, wait...!”
“Get the fuck away from here, Anna.”
“Korol,she is pregnant!”
Startled, I took a step back, my brows dipping. I burrowed the gun deeper into her neck, and she cried harder. “This is another one of your tricks, isn’t it? You got Anna in on it, too? To stop me from killing you?”
“, I swear.”
“She does not lie,Korol.I witness. Several tests she did. I help her. I take tubes...tiny test sticks to her, and she pee many times. Result the same. Positive. She carries your child.”
My chest heaved as I dropped the gun. I glanced from Freya to the housekeeper. Anna wouldn’t lie to me; she had no valid reason to. Which meant she was telling the truth; Freya was pregnant withmychild. And it made me more furious to think that she knew all this time and made an escape plan regardless.
I gritted my teeth. “Were you planning to flee with my child?”
“No!” She shook her head frantically. “I swear, I took the tests after the call.”
“Doesn’t matter. I don’t believe any word from that fucking mouth of yours.”
I walked away from her, ignoring her sobs as she fell to the ground. I’d had plans for her: to lock her up, starve her, and make her beg for her life before I decided whether or not to end it. But plans had changed.
I was about to become a father, and I’d be dead before I ever harmed my unborn child.
Chapter 16 – Freya
Silence stretched between us. Anna stood behind me, gently dragging the hairbrush through my hair, and I picked at my fingernails, refusing to look up at the mirror. I didn’t want to see the pity her eyes held for me. I didn’t want any pity at all. What I wanted was freedom, and he had made it clear that was not an option.
“You are prettier when you smile.”
I huffed. Moping was better without having to join a conversation. Maybe if I ignored her long enough, she’d get the hint that I wasn’t up for it.
“Talking helps.”
Sad to say, she didn’t catch the hint.
I dropped my fingers and reluctantly looked at her through the mirror. Her sympathetic smile widened, and I felt like a daughter being consoled by a mother. It made me want to cry and shut the door at the same time.
“Don’t look at me like that.”