Page 67 of Dark Awakening: Hidden Currents
"Oh, I'm sure of that. This is why I brought it." She lifted the device to make sure that the tiny light indicating that it was working was green. "How about I read to her today?" Jasmine patted the book she was holding on her lap.
The cover depicted a couple in a passionate embrace, but their clothing looked very different from what he had seen people wearing so far.
"What is it about?" he asked.
"It's a love story from about three centuries ago."
He glanced at the cover again. "Is that what people used to wear back then?"
The man's outfit was overly ornate, and the woman's dress had so much fabric that he wondered how she could do any work in it.
Jasmine chuckled. "The nobility dressed like that. I doubt that common people did."
"That explains it. The clothing doesn't seem practical."
"It's not," she agreed. "This is a fantasy, so even though the story reflects the way of life of the period, it takes many liberties, and I also choose to suspend disbelief and not think of all the practicalities, like not having proper indoor plumbing."
As she opened the book and began to read, Ell-rom reached out and took Morelle's hand in his.
With his free hand, he reached up and removed his earpieces, setting them on the small table beside the bed. He let out a soft chuckle. "It's like we're back to a few days ago when you used the teardrop to talk to me. It's amazing how long it seems since I woke up and how little time has passed in reality."
Jasmine paused in her reading. "I was just thinking the same thing. I feel like I've woken up to a new reality as well. My old life seems like a distant past now."
Her old life was shrouded in mystery, and despite putting a brave face on it, he knew that it still haunted her. "Have you decided if you want Edgar to investigate what happened to your mother?"
As Jasmine's expression clouded, Ell-rom regretted bringing it up.
"I'm even afraid of what the hacker might find out. And I definitely don't want Edgar to thrall my father. If anyone is going to do that, it'll be me. That is after I transition and learn how to do that."
At the mention of transitioning, Ell-rom felt a spike of anxiety course through him. He didn't know when he would be capable of biting Jasmine, and the fear made him hesitant to engage in any sexual activity with her. But then another equally distressing thought hit him.
What if his reluctance pushed Jasmine away?
What if, frustrated by his inability to provide her with sexual fulfillment, she turned to someone who could and would?
Edgar might have his sights set on another female, but that didn't necessarily mean he was monogamous, and he and Jasmine had a history together. If she hinted her interest, maybe Edgar wouldn't deny her just because he was with someone else now.
The spiral of anxious thoughts must have shown on his face because Jasmine leaned forward with a concerned expression. "What's the matter? You look troubled."
Ell-rom glanced at Morelle's still form and shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it in front of her." He winced. "In case she can hear us, I don't want to upset her."
"That's easy to fix." Jasmine closed the book. "You could put your earpieces back in. I'll turn off the teardrop, and we can speak privately."
The offer was tempting, but Ell-rom shook his head again. "No, I don't want to discuss anything stressful here. We can talk once we get back to the penthouse."
"Now you're scaring me. Can you give me a hint?"
"It's nothing. My mind tends to wander into dark places."
Understanding shining in her warm golden eyes, Jasmine nodded. "I get it. My mind does the same." She opened the book. "But I'm also curious and anxious, so I will make it short. I'll only read two chapters, and when I'm done, we will go back to the penthouse and talk."
Jasmine tried to immerse herself in the narration of the romance novel she had read so many times that she could recite it from memory, but her mind was churning the entire time and somehow managing two completely separate strings of narrative, one spoken and the other internal.
Had Ell-rom dreamt about more disturbing events from his past?