Page 47 of Dark Awakening: Hidden Currents
Laying Allegra carefully in her crib, Syssi pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head, covered her with the blanket, and turned on the nightlight.
Her little girl stirred slightly, her small fingers curling around the edge of her blanket, but she didn't wake up.
Watching her daughter's angelic face, Syssi marveled at how much she had grown.
Where had the time gone?
Allegra had been an easy child from the start, who ate well, slept through the night more often than not, and was hitting her developmental milestones much sooner than a child her age should. The only real challenges were her mile-wide stubborn streak and her surprisingly strong opinions regarding her outfits.
Syssi didn't mind accommodating her daughter's fashion choices, but she worried about what to expect as Allegra grew older. She anticipated more displays of Allegra's strong will, and she and Kian would need to set clear boundaries without stifling their daughter's spirit.
A soft chuckle escaped Syssi's lips. Being a parent was the most important and challenging job she had ever had. Yet, it came with no instructions and was expected to be intuitive. Was it a surprise that so many parents struggled with it?
Then again, love was the most important ingredient in parenting, and almost everyone knew how to do that. A child who grew up feeling loved would become a loving adult.
On the flip side, Allegra might become entitled and spoiled, but Syssi had a strong hunch that their daughter would not succumb to those first-world maladies that afflicted so many young humans these days. She had two hard-working, dedicated parents who never took anything for granted, so hopefully she would follow their example.
Besides, Allegra was exceptional. There was something undeniably special about her. It was the way her eyes seemedto hold wisdom far beyond her years or the uncanny way she sometimes seemed to anticipate events before they happened. Her memory for names, or rather the nicknames she coined for those around her, was unique to her.
As the sound of the front door opening drew Syssi from her reverie, she gave Allegra one last loving glance before quietly exiting the nursery.
Kian was at the living room bar, surveying his assortment of whiskeys. "How's our little princess?"
"Sound asleep." Syssi sank onto the couch. "She'll probably wake up in a couple of hours, play for a bit before bath time, and go back to sleep."
Children did well with a set schedule, but Allegra was flexible in that regard, which was one of the many blessings of raising such a unique child.
Kian poured himself a drink and started walking toward the couch but then paused. "I didn't offer you a drink because you usually don't like to consume alcohol before bedtime, but given what you are about to do, maybe a cocktail would help you relax?"
Syssi shook her head. "It can't be done artificially. I need to reach a state of calm on my own. Alcohol would be an impediment rather than a catalyst. A cappuccino, on the other hand, would do wonders to calm my nerves."
Kian laughed. "You're the only person I know who relaxes with coffee."
"Maybe I have ADHD. Stimulants are known to have a calming effect on people with attention deficit disorder."
"You don't have any problem with attention." Kian sat on the couch next to her and draped an arm over her shoulders.
"I was just joking." She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Do you want a cup as well, or are you happy with your whiskey?"
"What kind of a husband would I be if I let you drink coffee alone?" He lifted his glass and estimated the amount left. "I'll be done with this by the time you are back with the cappuccinos."
"Indeed." She chuckled as she headed to her coffee station.
As she busied herself with measuring out coffee grounds and frothing two kinds of milk, regular for her and oat for Kian, Syssi felt some of the tension begin to ebb. The familiar routine and the aroma of exceptional coffee were soothing.
Making a great cappuccino was a precise and laborious process, and she never rushed it.
When she was done, she walked back to the couch with two red cups resting on two red saucers, the latest addition to her collection.
So yeah, she was a little obsessed, but then everyone needed a hobby, right?
As she settled back onto the couch, the aroma of the coffee and Kian's solid presence beside her helped to further ease her nerves.
For a long moment, they sipped on the exquisite brew, but then Kian set his cup down, pulled out his phone, and powered it off.
He never did that. He even slept with the device right next to him on the nightstand.
"What are you doing?" she asked.