Page 44 of Dark Awakening: Hidden Currents
"It can wait. This can't."
"And what about Alfie? He might come home any minute."
Peter waved a dismissive hand. "Alfie's not going to bother us." In one swift motion, he scooped Marina up and threw her over his shoulder, eliciting a squeal of surprised laughter from her. "To the bedroom! We have a mission to accomplish."
As Peter carried Marina through the house, her laughter echoing off the walls, he marveled at how light his heart suddenly felt.
The worry of the upcoming mission, the weight of all the evil he witnessed day in and day out, it all seemed to melt away in the face of hope.
A hope for a future with Marina that would last longer than her limited mortal lifespan.
He deposited her gently on their bed, taking a moment to drink in the sight of her.
Her cheeks were flushed from laughter, her eyes bright with love and mirth, and her blue hair fanned out over the pillow. Peter felt a wave of gratitude wash over him.
How had he gotten so lucky?
What if it didn't work, though?
What if they got their hopes up for nothing?
As if reading his mind, Marina reached out and took his hand. "Hey," she said softly. "I have high hopes for the study, but even if they get crushed, I'm still grateful for the time we have together."
"So am I." Peter lay down next to her and pulled her into his arms.
Marina wasn't surprised that he'd chosen sex over food, but she was worried about him going on the mission without a proper meal. She was also worried about not smelling the freshest.
"Let's get in the tub together," she suggested.
Frowning, Peter lifted his arm. "Do I smell bad?" He sniffed his armpit.
"You never do, but we’ve both had a long day. We can celebrate the news with a bottle of wine."
He grinned. "That sounds like a plan. You get the water running, and I'll get the wine."
She shook her head. "I left a roast warming in the oven. I don't want it to dry out. I'll get the wine while you get the tub going."
"Deal." Peter jumped out of bed. "Just don't take long. We don't have a lot of time."
Her gut clenched at the reminder that he was going on a mission tonight. "I'll be quick."
With the roast taken care of, a bottle of wine in one hand and two glasses in the other, Marina made her way back to the bedroom and grinned when she found Peter already soaking in the tub.
It was only half full, which left his magnificent nude body on full display.
For a moment, she just gazed at him, getting her fill of his masculine beauty.
Peter tilted his head. "Do you like?"
"I like it a lot." She put the bottle and the glasses on the tub's deck and got undressed.
"Beautiful." His eyes roamed over her. "I never get tired of looking at you."
She knew better than to say she was nothing special compared to his gorgeous immortal relatives. It was true, but Peter didn't like it when she made self-deprecating comments.