Page 4 of Dark Awakening: Hidden Currents
"No, why?"
"You're frowning."
Allegra lifted her head and looked at him with her far too wise eyes as if repeating her mother's question, but then stuffed a piece of banana in her mouth and went back to decorating her waffle.
Their daughter must have been satisfied with what she had seen, but Syssi was still regarding him with a worried expression, suspecting that his frown had nothing to do with the lunch they were hosting.
"I'm concerned with the family's response to my update about the insurrection," he said.
"Insurrection? That's a strong word for petty thefts and sabotages."
"They are petty because the perpetrators are compelled to do no harm. If they could, they would have done worse."
Syssi shook her head. "Please don't blow this thing out of proportion."
"I'm not." Kian lifted a waffle off his plate and took a bite.
"If you want, I can summon a vision to see who is behind it and why they are doing it."
Right. As if he wanted her to risk herself for something so inconsequential.
Kian chuckled. "You've just proven that I was hyperbolizing."
Syssi tilted her head. "How did I do that?"
"I realized that it wasn't important enough to me for you to risk a vision, which means that I don't really consider it an insurrection."
She let out a breath and reached for another waffle. "Good. You had me worried for a minute there. Back to the lunch issue today, I told Okidu to set it up buffet style. With the family growing so large, it's becoming impractical to serve things to the table."
"That's not a bad idea." Kian nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. "I've noticed how ridiculous it has become with passing the platters and people reaching over each other. A buffet solves that problem, but you need to instruct Okidu to fill a plate for mymother. I do not doubt that she would consider it beneath her to serve herself."
"Good point. I will do that."
"Nana," Allegra said resolutely.
"Yes, sweetie. Nana is coming over today."
The smile that spread over their daughter's face could illuminate a pit of doom.
"E.T.?" Allegra asked.
Syssi laughed. "Yes, your cousin Evander Tellesious, otherwise known as E.T., is also coming for lunch."
As Allegra kept asking about other family members, using the names she had invented for them, a sense of contentment washed over Kian.
These peaceful moments were precious.
When his phone buzzed in his pocket, he wasn't surprised. There was no way the universe would let him enjoy his morning without throwing a wrench or two in the works.
Checking the caller ID, Kian frowned. "It's Aru. I'll take it on the patio."
It couldn't be good if Aru was calling him on the weekend, and he didn't want to get stressed with Allegra watching him. She was like a barometer for emotions, immediately catching on and mirroring.
"Don't smoke!" Syssi called after him. "Allegra wants to play with you after breakfast."
He nodded. "I won't."
Opening the sliding doors, he stepped onto the terrace and accepted the call. "Hello, Aru."