Page 84 of The Wrong Bride
"Yes," I agreed. I was here to make a deal with the devil for my wife and baby. There was nothing I wouldn't do for them, including giving up my own life if need be.
His expression remained neutral, but I could see the flicker of interest in his eyes. "The truth is you can't hide her for the rest of her life, or should I say Fournier's life?"
I gritted my teeth. "As you know, Pascal tried to kidnap Elsa. He's a threat to my family, and he won't stop until he gets what he wants. I need him out of commission."
Vincent leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers. "Why are you talking to me? I thought you did business with the CIA."
I cocked an eyebrow but didn't say anything. It wasn't like I knew if Dom was CIA. He could be fucking anybody. Right now, he didn't exist; even the hospital records of his visit had been wiped, and the police had not come back to follow up on the incident. Someone high up in the American governmental food chain had made the kidnapping attempt disappear, most probably to keep Dom's interference quiet.
"How do you propose we…ah…take Pascal out of commission? He's not an easy man to kill," Vincent pointed out, "Many who are better than you have triedanddied while trying."
"I wasn't thinking of killing him." I relaxed a little. Vincent was going to play ball. That was the first hurdle that I had to cross and I just had.
"What did you have in mind?"
"I was thinking that maybe we could help European or French authorities arrest his ass and throw him in prison for a long time."
"He could run his organization from prison," Vincent mused.
"But it's not his organization. It's Jean-Luc Moreau's."
Vincent nodded. "Okay."
I now moved to the second part of my plan. "Now, you may wonder how this benefits you."
Vincent smiled widely. "Oui, I have been wondering that."
"We get Pascal out of the picture, and we convince Moreau to retire."
I didn't think a lot of people surprised Vincent, but I knew I just had. It was an angle he'd never thought about. With Jean-Luc Moreau gone, Vincent could take over Moreau's organization, and a man like Vincent was always looking for an advantage and to expand his power. This move would give him all of France, in addition to the illegal global arm's empire he sat on.
Dom was going to kill me when he found out what I'd done.Butwith Vincent, we'd have a reasonable man running the country's illegal activities—not someone ready to make deals with just anyone for money like Moreau.
My wife trusted Vincent, and I followed her lead, putting my faith in her judgment without hesitation. She needed that from me, and honestly, it wasn’t hard. I loved her, and I believed in her completely—there was no conflict between how I felt and what I was doing. It was a new feeling for me. I wasn’t trying to stay on her good side by working with Vincent just because she vouched for him. I was doing it because I trusted Elsa not to steer me toward a man who could hurt us.
"These are two power-hungry men," he chuckled, "Everyone in our business is. Power is survival. I don't think it'll be easy toget either of them to give up what they hold. How do you intend to convince them against their instincts?"
"I'm glad you ask. We frame Pascal and Moreau; but only Elsa's Papa gets a get-out-of-jail card."
"If we frame them both, let them both rot in prison."
"That would displease my wife."
Vincent smiled. "Like I said, the things we do for love." His demeanor turned serious. "Framing Pascal or Jean-Luc is no small task. It will require precision, resources, and ruthlessness."
"I know, which is why I'm asking you for help. I know you have connections," I said, my voice level. "And I know you think of Elsa as a sister. I wouldn't be here if I had any other choice. I need you to set him up, to make sure he's taken down and can't get back up."
He studied me for a long moment, then nodded slowly. "I do care about Elsa. And I don't take kindly to threats against those I consider family." He paused for a long moment. "I'll help you, Duncan. But understand this—youwillowe me a favor. A favor that I may collect at any time, in any form."
The implication was clear, and it sounded ominous. But for Elsa and our child, I would do whatever it took. "Deal."
A slow smile spread across Vincent's face, one that didn't reach his eyes. A favor from an Archer for a man like Vincent was averygood deal.
"Let's lay out the plan." He spread his hands, indicating, I had the floor.
We spent the next hour meticulously reviewing every detail. Vincent's knowledge of the underworld and strategic mind were invaluable. He proposed setting up a deal that Pascal couldn't resist, complete with fake documents and a carefully orchestrated sting operation. The goal was to catch Pascal andJean-Luc red-handed, with enough evidence to ensure they would be locked away for a long time.
Chapter 35