Page 69 of The Wrong Bride
Dean and Thierry clinked their glasses.
"Asshole, congratulations, you're in love with your wife," Thierry announced.
"I don't even know what that word represents," I scoffed. "And—"
"Head over fucking heels," Dean cut in, laughing. "I never thought this day would come. Damian and Emilia didn't think you'd admit it untilafterthe baby was born."
"I'm not admitting fuck all," I blurted out.
Did I love Elsa? I barely knew her.
You know her, Duncan. You've known her since that first night. That's why you don't want another woman, not because her pussy was fabulous, which it was—but because you fell in love, the Romeo & Juliet kind.
"How angry is she with me?" I asked.
"She's notthatangry," Thierry said, but before I could enjoy his statement, he added, "She's heartbroken and sad."
"Veryheartbroken andsad," Dean agreed.
"Is she…is she crying?" I couldn't stand it if she was.
God! I was such a moron. I'd hurt my wife because I didn't want to believe I was in love with her. I had some major trust issues, this much was obvious.
"Yeah," Dean said softly.
I stared at him, the full import of my actions sinking in. "What do I do, Dean? How do I fix this?"
He sighed, taking a sip of his drink. “Start with a genuine apology. Show her you believe in her, and fight like hell to rebuild what you broke. It won’t be easy, but if you love her, you'll do it.”
I loved Elsa. For a man who wasn't even sure what love meant, suddenly, like an epiphany, I did know now. It meant all the things I felt for my wife. I'd been in love with her all along. I was afraid of loving, of opening myself to someone—which was why I kept resisting how I felt. Now, when I finally was ready to admit the truth, my wife was probably more interested inkicking me in the balls than listening to me proclaiming my love for her.
What could I say, I had gangbusters timing!
Chapter 29
The morning rush at Délices d'Elsa had just started to die down when the doorbell chimed. I looked up from the counter and saw Vincent stepping inside, his face set in a serious expression.
My heart sank. An arms dealer was in my place of business, and I had no clue what his intentions were. I believed Dom—I'd decided that was his name since Dean called him that—when he said Vincent was bad news. Of course, he was. No one needed that much security unless they had something to hide. Growing up around Papa and his minions, I hadn’t given it much thought before. But now, in hindsight, I could recognize what I had willfully ignored.
I always liked Vincent. But if he was dealing chemical weapons like white phosphorous, I had to do something about it, didn't I? I put a hand on my stomach, thinking of all the pregnant women in the war zones, trying to protect their babies from men who sold arms and weapons that fueled ugly wars.
"Vincent," I greeted him, trying to keep my tone light.
He approached the counter, glancing around to make sure we were alone. " There's something I need to tell you, Elsa. It's important."
I nodded and led him into the kitchen. Thierry worked only part-time, so he was already gone. It was just me and my babywith adangerous man…alone. I suddenly wished Duncan was still in my life so I could call him.
But he didn't protect you that day, why would he protect you now?
I was on my own and that feeling hurt like nothing else ever had. I put my hand on my belly then and felt the flutter of my baby. I wasn't alone, not really. I hadher.
Also, just because I’d only recently found out what Vincent did—didn’t mean he’d suddenly become dangerous. He’d always treated me well. I was being paranoid.