Page 61 of The Wrong Bride
Tears welled up in my eyes. "Yes, Duncan, this is very serious. I asked you for one thing. I pleaded with you not to use me like my father does. And what do you do?" I chuckled bitterly. "Not only that, but you also want me to do something that goes against my moral code to prove my innocence. Well, here's a bulletin for you: I don't care to prove my innocence. If you want inside the Arsenault house, figure it out yourself."
Dom's expression remained hard. "Elsa, this is about stopping a dangerous criminal."
I turned to Duncan, my heart breaking. "You're no better than my father. You want to use me like he does. If there's no trust between us, there's nothing."
Duncan's jaw tightened, but he said nothing.
I stood up, my hands shaking so I curled them into fists. "This conversation is now over. If you come near me again, Dom, Jett, whoever you are,I will callthe police on you for harassment."
Dom sighed. "Elsa, listen to me—"
"Non.Nous avons fini." We're done.
I walked to the door of Duncan’s office, my heart shattered and anger boiling inside me. "And, Duncan, don’t come to my apartment again. I’ll talk to a lawyer, and you’ll be served annulment papers. The marriage is so new, any magistrate will—"
"You're having my baby?"
"Are you sure?" I said, saccharine sweet, "Could be Vincent's? Or maybe Thierry's? How do you know? When we don't have trust, Duncan, like I just said, we havenothing. Youhavenothingfrom me any longer."
His eyes widened in shock, but still, he remained silent.
"Just to be clear, in case you missed it, this marriage is over. I can't stay with someone who doesn't believe in me and is willing to use me like you have. Letting anyone treat me like a criminal, speaking to me like that, and scaring me while I'm pregnant—supposedly with your child? I can do better. I deserve better."
I walked out of his office, tears streaming down my face.
The pain was unbearable, but I knew I couldn't stay married to Duncan now. I couldn't be with a man who saw me as a tool rather than a partner. I would not marry a man like my father.
I stepped into the cold Parisian evening, wrapping my arms around my growing belly. I was determined to protect my child from the toxic world closing in around me, thanks to my father—and now, my soon-to-be ex-husband.
I didn't know what the future held, but I knew I had to find my own way, for my baby's sake and mine.
Chapter 26
"Duncan, I—"
"Shut the fuck up, Dom." I kept staring at the door she walked out of and felt like she took a part of me with her.
Divorce? Annulment?
"You have nothing from me."
Fuck no. Everything inside me rebelled at the idea. I couldn't let her go. She was having my baby. I trusted her. Damn it, yes I did. Why had I let Dom into my ear? Why had I let my own insecurities turn me against Elsa?
"If you ever scare my wife like that again, I'll fucking kill you," I said calmly.
He sighed. "I needed to—"
"Never fucking again, Dom. I broke her. I fucking...brokeher when I let you talk to her the way you did."
"I know. I saw." Dom hung his head, and I stared at him.
"What is this I see on your face? Regret?"
He swallowed. "Yeah."
"Youneverregret anything; since you think your shit doesn’t stink because you're saving the world," I snapped.