Page 27 of The Wrong Bride
"Feel like a cinnamon snail?" I asked Dean.
He grinned. "I thought you'd never ask."
Chapter 11
Thierry and I had a long talk about how guilty he felt for not telling me that my father had hired him to keep an eye on me.
"In his defense, it was for you protection," he told me. "He's kept you away from the life, but Els, some people know."
I patted him on his shoulder. "I don't hold it against you. I never have. Let it go."
He kissed me warmly on my forehead. "I love you,ma chérie."
I leaned into him. Délices d'Elsa was quiet in the early evening—most people were looking for a glass of wine at a bar, not a café au lait and croissant at my place. But we stayed open until six for the dinner crowd picking up a baguette or dessert to go.
I heard the bell on the door which was behind me open and felt Thierry stiffen.
"Your husband is here," he whispered, brushing his lips against my ear.
I was expecting him.
I didn't know what to do with him,butI knew I had to figure that out sooner than later.
I couldn't and wouldn't be married to an adulterer. Regardless of what his brother thought, I'd seen Duncan in action and was familiar with his reputation. Everyone in the Ritz knew that he brought escorts over. High end, for sure, since I knew what Angelique charged, and I had no beef with that. He could do whatever he wanted and however he wanted; he just couldn't do thatandbe my husband.
I put a hand on my belly to steady myself and turned to face not just Duncan but also Dean.
He came over and gave me a quick hug and a kiss. "We were having a drink a few blocks away and thought we'd drop by." Dean slid an arm around me, gently pushing Thierry aside.
My friend grunted, and I sighed. "Allez,do your dick measurements elsewhere. We're closing."
Duncan stood by the door, looking gorgeous in a pair of slacks and a dress shirt with the sleeves folded, showing off his forearms. He tucked his hands in his pockets and rocked on his heels.
"Bonsoir, ma douce," he said softly.
Just that voice, and I felt heat streak through me.
Nuh-uh! Not going to give him a free pass because my baby was making me hormonal and horny.
"Bonsoir, Duncan." I turned to see Thierry and Dean, who flanked me like bodyguards. "You both need to find something else to do while I talk to my…Duncan."
"I don't think so." Thierry folded his arms, standing like a sentinel, guarding the fair princess. "He may need to have his ass kicked."
"And I want to watch the show," Dean quipped. In the short time I'd known him, I'd found out that he deflected with humor. Everything was a joke for Dean; but he also had a sensitivity that was endearing.
"Dégagez," I said firmly. Get out!
Thierry stared down Duncan, who didn't seem to be affected at all, while Dean wondered, "Is there any good sports bar around here? Man U is playing."
"Of course, you're a Man U fan," Thierry said with a sneer. "You Americans who know fuck all about football always latch onto that team."
"Fair point," Dean replied, unfazed.
Thierry shot me a look, and when I rolled my eyes, he turned back to Dean. "Come on, I'll buy you a beer and teach you aboutle foot."
The two of them left, and I followed to flip the sign to "Closed" and lock the front door.