Page 75 of It's Just Business
Surprised, I cut my eyes to Dylan to see how he’s looking at me, only to find it’s the way he alwaysdoes—with an intense blend of hunger and interest. Like I’m the only person in the room. Or at least the only one he cares about. Everyone else could disappear in a blink, and I’m not sure Dylan would notice or give a shit.
I lean forward, pressing a quick peck to his lips, needing to let him know that I see him too and appreciate him more than he could know. I lean back, smiling, only for him to catch my jaw in his palm and pull me back in for a longer kiss. It’s still appropriate given our audience, but it makes me melt and wonder how soon Ami’s gonna cut the cake so we can leave.
When Dylan releases me, I’m drunk on him, and he looks down at me, his eyes darkened. A single blink later, they brighten and he smiles, cockily knowing all too well where my thoughts have run.
“Birthday wish amendment,” Ami says pointing her perfectly manicured finger. “That’s what I want.”
She gets her chance after dinner when the restaurant staff bring out a large cake covered in sparkling candles and we sing to her. Ami flashes me a wink, takes a big breath, and then blows the candles out. The smile on her face says her birthday celebration is turning out to be everything she wanted, and I’m so glad.
As it gets later, the party moves to the dance floor when a DJ takes over, promising to play a wide variety of songs and rhythms that’ll have us dancing all night. To my utter shock, Dylan holds his hand out to me.
“Would you like to dance?”
I gawk at him. “You dance?”
I don’t know why that surprises me so much, but it does. I wouldn’t think he’d have the time or inclination to learn to dance. Heck, before this week, I wasn’t even sure he knew how to let loose.
But I slip my hand into his, trusting that he can lead me… on the dance floor, in the bedroom, and honestly, anywhere.
I’m right. Dylan is a strong lead, and though I don’t knowhow to salsa, I find myself doing it, or at least I think I am. I only manage to step on his foot once, and with every misstep, we both laugh. It’s easy and light hearted, but the closeness of him and this moment lights my heart on fire. Whatever it is, I follow Dylan around the floor, knowing that at this point, I’d follow him into hell if he asked me to.
I’m not sure when it happened or if it was all once or in tiny percentage points, but I’ve fallen in love with Dylan Sharpe past the point of return. He holds my heart, and I trust him to treat it as the precious commodity that it is because he knows all too well how fragile it is since he watched as it was so-recently shattered.
But it’s been repaired by my own hard work and Dylan’s intensive care.
“Are you having fun?” I ask him, thinking that I know the answer but wanting to hear it from him.
He nods, his smile easier than I’ve ever seen it. “More than I would’ve thought.”
“It's a pretty great party, right? Ami has been obsessively planning it for weeks.”
He stops us on the dance floor, moving us out of the way so people can pass by as they continue their path around the wood floor.
“Your friends are lovely, this place is amazing, but the only reason I’m having fun is because of you, Darling.”
Darling. My heart flutters.
He makes me beautiful. He makes me feel powerful. He makes me feel loved. He makes me feel like… his.
And I love it and him.
“Can we go home now? I’m ready to do a bit of celebrating of our own,” I purr, letting the need I feel for him weave through the words.
“What did you have in mind?” he teases, his own desire becomingevident between us.
I glance down and then drag my gaze back to his eyes. “I was thinking I’d start by kissing and licking something or another…”
“Be careful or we won’t make it home.” His voice is nothing more than a rumble.
A deliciously filthy thought pops to my mind, and I smile to myself. “You want me to be careful? Make me,” I taunt, knowing my eyes are flashing with heat and happiness. I whirl in place to give him my back. “I’m going to go find Ami and tell her goodbye.”
I feel like I got one over on him and am walking away the clear winner when I feel a short slap on my ass. I jerk my head, looking over my shoulder in shock to find Dylan staring at me. His face is charming, his handsome eyes narrowed with an arched brow. He’s in boss mode, and I can’t help the blush that heats my cheeks. “Make it quick, Miss Hill.”
I trap my bottom lip between my lips to keep my smile from growing too wide and nod before answering, “Yes, Sir.”
I’d love to say I came back with something witty or sexy. Instead, I virtually hop to do what he's commanded, nearly scurrying away to find my friend so I can enjoy the night with Dylan.