Page 77 of Ice Princess
My thoughts drift to Henry. Part of me hopes he'll burst through that door, gun drawn, ready to save me. But another part dreads the possibility that he might join in my torment.
I close my eyes, recalling the memory of my last night with Henry, the tenderness in his eyes, the warmth of his embrace. It couldn't all have been a lie… could it?
Opening my eyes, I meet Hartley's gaze with renewed defiance. Whatever happens, I won't go down without a fight. I'm Lana D'Amato, and I'll face this nightmare with all the strength I have left.
My knuckles are white as I grip the steering wheel and push the accelerator to the floor. The landscape blurs past my window as I race toward the location Peter gave me. My heart pounds like a jackhammer in my chest. I’ve never been so scared in my life. Not for me. For Lana.
With one hand, I fumble for my phone, nearly dropping it in my haste. I punch in the number for my sergeant, praying he picks up quickly.
"This is Detective Lutz," I bark as soon as the line connects. “Detective Peter Hartley has abducted Lana D'Amato and appears to be unstable and dangerous."
“What?” He probably wonders if this is a prank call.
I give him the address where I'm headed. "Send backup immediately. Hartley is likely with at least two other cops, Johnson and Rogers." I chastise myself for not seeing all this sooner. The signs of Peter’s obsession were there, but I didn't want to see them.
I press harder on the gas, my car lurching forward, faster. Hang on, Lana.
“Hartley has arrested a D’Amato and you want me to?—”
“Not arrested. Kidnapped. He’s going to kill her. I suspect he was behind Lazaro D’Amato's disappearance.”
There is a pause. "Let him have her. The family is made up of nothing but crooks. Peter's doing us a favor. If it means looking the other way one time, so be it."
The world as I know it tilts on its axis. My faith in the system I've dedicated my life to shatters in an instant. How can he say that? How can he condone this?
“Sir, this is not how law enforcement works. There is zero evidence that Lana D’Amato has committed a crime.”
“I like you, Henry. You’re a good cop. But you’re fucking naïve if you think any D’Amato is innocent of a crime. Sometimes, the rules need to be bent to keep our community safe.”
Who is going to keep it safe from cops?I think but don’t ask. I’m too stunned. The law I've sworn to uphold, the justice I've fought for… it's all a lie. What have I been fighting for all these years? How many times have I unknowingly been part of something unjust, thinking I was on the right side?
My heart jackhammers, not just with fear for Lana, but with the terrifying realization that I'm on my own. The backup I counted on to save her is gone. I'm the only thing standing between Lana and a group of corrupt cops who've decided she's expendable.
I hang up the call, slamming my hand against the steering wheel. How will I save Lana? If it was just Peter, my chances would be good that I could overtake him. But I have no doubt he has help. I imagine Johnson and Rogers are there. Maybe there are more men with him willing to “bend” the law.
I rack my brain to figure out who I can call for help. I remember Elio has cops in his pocket. They were the officers who killed Mrs. D’Amato’s first husband in a domestic dispute. Surely, they’d be willing to help save Elio’s sister, assuming theybelieved my story. I strain to remember their names and what station they were from, but my memory fails me.
I try to clear my mind and remember any details that might help. But the more I push, the more elusive the information becomes. It's like trying to grasp smoke. The harder I try, the faster it slips away.
I'm running out of time, and I know it. My failure to protect Lana feels like lead weight on my chest. I can’t breathe.
My phone rings, and I snatch it up, heart leaping with hope. "Lana?"
"Ah… no. It’s Piper D’Amato. You gave me your card and told me to call if I heard anything.”
Please, please let her have heard from Lana. Lana is smart and brave. Maybe she escaped.
“Yes. Have you heard from Lana?”
“Elio and Matteo are fine. Apparently, their phones were off. But Lana isn’t back?—”
“Is Elio there?” I wouldn’t normally ask a mobster for help, but right now, Elio is the only other person besides me who is willing and capable to take on Peter and his goons.