Page 68 of Ice Princess
How did I miss this? Yes, I've always known Peter harbored a deep hatred for the D'Amatos. I've seen firsthand the barely contained rage when we discuss the D’Amatos. But I never considered he’d go over the line to carry out a personal vendetta. We're supposed to uphold the law, not twist it to suit our own purposes.
I rub my temples, trying to ward off the headache building behind my eyes. I should have seen this, should have recognized the signs of Peter's obsession spiraling out of control. But even as I berate myself, a part of me still wants to believe there's an explanation, that Peter couldn't possibly have stooped this low. Because if he has, it means I've been blind. It means I've been complicit in his manipulation, however unwittingly. Including the harassment of Lana.
Lana. Fucking hell. Is she in his sights or just a means to get to Elio?
I refocus on the case, needing to make the pieces fit together to figure out what action to take. Peter’s father was killed nearly four years ago. A year later, Lazaro went missing. And now, three years after that, the anonymous calls start coming in about the D'Amatos. Why so much time between events? Is that on purpose to hide the connection? Or did something happen at each point that led to taking action at that time?
I think back to the shop owner's statement about the surveillance tapes. Police officers came and took them three years ago, but there's no record of it in the official files. Johnson and Rogers aren’t in the record. Neither is Peter. Back then, the case was investigated by a Detective Fornier, who died in a freak accident not long after Lazaro’s disappearance. That certainly seems convenient. It’s easier for a case to go forgotten if the investigator dies. Holy hell, maybe I need to pull the information on Fornier’s death. How deep does this conspiracy go?
The thought that this might extend beyond Peter, that there could be a network of corrupt officers working against the D'Amatos, makes my head spin. How many of my colleagues might be involved? How many cases have been compromised?
And Peter… God, Peter. Has he been orchestrating this whole thing from the beginning? Has he recruited Johnson and Rogers to help? I close my eyes as I realize that I allowed Peter to deal with the two after the search of Lana's office. Did Peter follow through with the report or is he playing me for a fool?
I pick up the phone to call Sergeant Jones, Johnson and Roger’s supervisor.
When he answers, I’m at a loss as to how to ask the question. I don’t want to tip my hand just yet. Lana isn’t wrong in that the blue brotherhood is strong. I don’t want to look like I’m narking on fellow officers.
“I just wanted to follow up on the report of Johnson and Rogers filed by Detective Hartley.”
“What report?”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“Regarding the D’Amato investigation.”
There’s a long pause. “I haven’t seen anything.”
On the phone, it’s hard to read people. He sounds baffled. But for all I know, he’s in on it too.
“Perhaps he hasn’t filed it yet. Have a good evening, Sir.”
“You too, Lutz.”
I hang up the phone feeling sick and angry.What the fuck have you done, Peter?
Iglance at my phone for what feels like the hundredth time tonight. Still no word from Henry. I try to push down the worry creeping into my chest. He's probably just working late. I’m sure he has many cases and no doubt more come in all the time. Perhaps that’s what life with a detective includes—late nights and worry.
I sigh, knowing it’s crazy to think about a life with Henry. And yet, despite all the reasons we shouldn't be together, I can't stop thinking about him. The way he looks at me like he sees past all my defenses. How safe I feel in his arms, even though he represents everything I've been taught to distrust.
But how can we possibly make this work? I can’t think of a way, even as I find myself constantly trying to work out how we can just be Henry and Lana, without all the complications of our worlds.
I’m not ready to give up on seeing Henry tonight, so instead of retiring to my room after dinner, I make my way to the sitting room. Elio and Matteo are going out for business, but it’s not anything that involves me, so I’m home by myself. No, notby myself, but after my rude behavior toward Piper, I’ve felt I should give her and Elysse their own space.
“I’ve got wine.”
I look up to see Piper enter the sitting room with Elysse in tow. “I wouldn’t mind a glass. But should you?”Did something happen to the baby?
“I have juice,” she says, “but I thought you might want wine.”
“Look what I’m reading,” Elysse says as she trots in and sits on the chaise chair my mother used to read in. She holds up the book for me to see.
“Oh, that looks like a fun adventure,” I say of the book about a dog looking for his little girl owner.
Piper hands me a glass of wine and sits at the other end of the couch from where I sit. “Thank you.”