Page 20 of Ice Princess
She laughs. “Why do I feel like you’re suggesting the justice I deserve is jail time?”
“I meant Lazaro.”
The challenge in her eyes softens, and I feel like I see more of the true Lana in that moment. It tells me just how much she loves her brother.
She looks down, and I wonder if she knows how much of herself she gives away.
"I'm here to follow a lead and hopefully find your brother."
She looks up at me, her voice dropping to a husky whisper. "And what if helping me goes against everything you stand for? What then, Henry?"
A fierce protective feeling fills me. Like I’d burn the world down to help her, the rest be damned. I clear my throat, trying to maintain my composure. "Justice isn't always as clear-cut as we'd like it to be."
She studies me, leaning a bit closer. Or maybe I’m the one who is leaning in.
"Mmm, how very diplomatic of you. But I wonder… how far would you go to get the information you need?" Her gaze drops to my lips, and fucking hell, my dick twitches. The tension in the room is palpable. It crackles between us with enough electricity to light my entire apartment building. Hell, maybe Chicago.
"That depends." I glance at her lips, my voice low. "How far are you willing to go to find your brother?"
Lana's smile is predatory. "I think you'd be surprised at what I'm willing to do."
My heart hammers in my chest. My dick strains against the zipper of my slacks. Of course, for all I know, she’s saying she’d kill to get what she wants. But it doesn’t feel like that. This feels sensual.
I know I should put a stop to this, maintain some semblance of professionalism. But with Lana this close, her warmth radiating against me, my resolve weakens. I might be a cop, but I’m a man as well. A man who hasn’t wanted a woman like I want Lana in a long time.
"Lana," I warn, my voice rough. "We're treading on dangerous ground here."
She leans in, her lips brushing my ear. "Isn’t your world full of danger? Are you saying you can’t handle it?”
I swallow hard, fighting against the surge of desire coursing through my veins. Lana's proximity is intoxicating, her warmthseeping into my skin. I can't deny the attraction, but I have to resist. There's too much at stake.
"We need to focus on why we're here."
She smirks, telling me she knows what she’s doing to me. But it’s not one-sided. I saw the quick pulse in her neck.
“You're no fun, Detective. But I admire your self-control." She pulls back a few inches. “So, what do you know about Lazaro’s case?”
I hoped to avoid sharing anything, but I did arrange this meeting by telling her I had information. I have to give her something.
I take a deep breath, choosing my words carefully. "I've been looking into the van you mentioned in your report. The one the shop owner saw."
Her eyes narrow. "And? Did you find anything?"
I can see the desperation in her eyes, the pain of not knowing her brother's fate. For a moment, I'm tempted to tell her everything, consequences be damned. But I hold firm. "I'm still working on tracing it.”
She waits like I’m going to say more. I sip my bourbon instead.
"That's not good enough," Lana snaps. "You promised me information, Henry.”
I don’t like her anger, but it’s better than the flirty seductress. The anger gets my libido under control.
"I know it's not what you want to hear. But this is how investigations work. We follow leads, piece things together. I'm not holding out on you, Lana. I'm trying to find the truth."
“I was right. You’re just trying to use me. You’re probably not even looking for Lazaro. This is just a ploy to learn about my family.”
“You haven’t told me anything I don’t know. That lead on the van came from me, Henry. Me!” She shakes her head. “Maybe you’re not such a Boy Scout after all if you’d use the love I have for my brother to try and ruin my family.”