Page 60 of Hateful Vows
“What do you want me to say to that? After everything you have done to me.”
“Say that you believe me. That you trust me to protect you.”
She scoffs. “I don’t believe you. I can’t.” Her head slowly moves from side to side. “You are the only one who has a key to my dorm,” she points out.
“And I was with you that night.”
“You could have snuck out or got someone else to do it for you.” I don’t know why her accusation and mistrust annoys me so much. I brought this on myself. I hurt her in more than one way and now I’m dealing with the repercussions.
I take a deep breath before eating up the distance between us. I lift my hands to cradle her face in my palms, forcing her to look at me when I speak. “I didn’t have anything to do with the notes, but I promise we’ll find out who left them. Until then, you are not safe here. I want you to come and stay with me at my house.”
She shakes me away, taking a step backward. “I can’t come with you. Your dad doesn’t want me there.”
“I don’t give a shit about my dad. He is not going to touch you. Now pack your stuff,” I order, but Wren doesn’t move, so I continue. “They know you are here; they trashed your car in front of the door, you are not safe here and as long as you stay here, neither is your mom.”
“And if I come with you, how are you safe? What if we put Tia in danger?”
“No one would dare try to do anything to you at my house. Do you really think I would make you come if I wasn’t absolutely sure Tia was safe?” My words seem to assure her a little.
She unfolds her arms and lets them hang next to her body. “I don’t know what to do. I’m just scared. Not just for myself.” Her eyes fill with tears.
She looks so small, so helpless, and all I can do is go to her and wrap my arms around her tiny frame. She stiffens at first, not anticipating a hug from me. It takes her a moment to relax in my hold. I rub small circles around her back, and she finally calms enough to melt into my chest.
A warm fuzzy feeling spreads through my body as Wren buries her face into my shirt. The same sensation I felt when she was in my bed, cuddling against me. I feel… whole.
That feeling lasts about a minute, and then my world comes crashing down around me.
The front door unlocks and a woman who looks like an older version of Wren enters the apartment.Vicky Delaney.The homewrecker who slept with my dad. The woman who destroyed mine and my sister’s lives. I hated her for months, blamed her for everything bad that has happened, and now she is here, standing in front of me with her big blue eyes, looking at me holding her daughter.
“Who are you?” she asks, her voice flat.
I release Wren, who turns to face her mother.
“Mom,” Wren says before I can get my throat to work. “This is Briggs Weston,” she introduces me hesitantly.
Recognition flickers over Vicky’s face. “Oh,” is all she says, at first.
For months I’d imagine what I would do if I would ever run into her. Yelling was at the top of that list, wrapping my hands around her throat crossed my mind as well. Now that the moment has come, I can’t do anything but stand in awkward silence.
“I’m so sorry about your mom,” Vicky finally says, her voice filled with compassion and guilt while tears fill her eyes.
My throat clogs up at the mention of my mom. All I can muster up is a nod.
“Briggs wants me to stay at his house until we find out who is sending me notes,” Wren explains, changing the subject.
“Do you think that’s a good idea?” Vicky questions.
“Yes, she’ll be safe there, and you will be safer as well.”
“I just want what’s best for my daughter.”
I nod again. “Believe it or not, so do I.” Both Wren and Vicky stare at me like I just grew horns. “I know that wasn’t the case in the past, but it is now. I want to make sure Wren is protected, and I can do that best at my house.”
“You are not like your father,” Vicky states, surprising me.
“I’m nothing like him,” I agree.
“Good… and I believe you.” Vicky turns to her daughter. “I think you would be safer with him too. No one is going to mess with the Westons. I can’t protect you here. Look at what they did to your car.”