Page 37 of Hateful Vows
Closing my eyes, I bob down, taking him deep into my mouth but keeping my hand on his base so I don’t have to go as far as gag. I do that a few times, alternating between sucking on his tip and going down his shaft until he is slick with my spit all over.
Briggs seems to enjoy this very much, his subtle grunts and moans egging me on to do more. His hand finds its way into my hair, grabbing a fist full but moving along with me instead of guiding me. He is letting me set my own pace, and I’m just hoping he’ll continue to do so.
Every time I go down, I let him slide a little deeper until I’m gagging, but it’s nothing like last time because he lets me pull away when I gag, instead of forcing me to hold my breath.
“That’s pretty good, little bird, but you might want to step up your game. Tick tock,” he taunts.
Luckily, after my little online research, I know exactly what to do. Raising my free hand from my lap, I cup his balls, softlymassaging them while I keep sucking his dick until my cheeks hollow out.
For a split moment, I think everything is going to be okay. Briggs is going to come any moment and then the night will be over. I should have known better than to think it was that easy.
Before I know what’s happening, Briggs pulls out of my mouth, he slaps away my hand before wrapping his around my throat. He stands up, taking me with him. My hands automatically come up, my fingers circling his wrist. He takes a few menacing steps forward and all I can do is stumble back until my shoulders and head are pushed up against the wall.
My eyes are wide open now, gaping at him in shock while his expression turns deadly. “Who the fuck taught you to suck cock like that? Have you been lying to me? Have you been sucking cock around school?”
All I can do is shake my head in terror. I can’t even bring myself to croak a no out. My answer doesn’t satisfy him.
“Did you suck my father’s cock to get into this school?”
What?! Where the fuck did that come from?
I shake my head again. My vision swims with black spots due to the lack of oxygen. I claw at his arms to let me go, but that only makes him tighten his grip. His eyes are filled with anger and animosity, his touch hateful.
Just when I think I’m about to pass out, he releases me. I slump back against the wall, desperately catching my breath. “What the fuck was that?” I ask between coughing.
“How did you get so good at sucking cock all of a sudden? Who are you fucking? Give me a name now.”
“I’m not fucking anyone. Definitely not your dad. I’ve never even met your father. Why would you think I did?” I reach up to cradle my neck, where the skin is still tender.
“You know why!” He fists his hands. For a moment, I think he is going to hit me, but instead of punching my face, he hits thewall beside me. That’s it, he has gone insane. I need to get out of here. Only he is blocking my only way out.
“I have no fucking idea what you are talking about. I’m telling the truth. I don’t know anything,” I plead, hoping, praying, that he’ll believe me.
“I know he is the reason why you are at this school. You don’t have money, so what else did you offer him besides pussy? What did you do for him?”
“Nothing! I swear! My mom got me into this school. I have no idea how,” I tell him honestly. All I know is that she did something to seal the deal. I had no idea Mr. Weston had anything to do with it.
“Then how did you step up your cock sucking game? Who taught you to do that with your tongue and to use your hand on my balls?”
“I watched porn!” I blurt out. Honesty is all I have left, and I don’t care how embarrassing it is. “You can look at my search history on my phone. I was looking up how to suck dick so I can get better and get it over with quicker.”
“Give me your phone,” he orders, and I fumble to fish it out of my jeans pocket. I unlock it before handing it to him.
He quickly scrolls through my browser. If he finds funny what I searched like ‘how to suck cock well,’ for example, he doesn’t show it. His frown stays on his face, but I can see the anger leave his body. His shoulders relax slightly, and he doesn’t hold my phone like he is about to crush it.
He shoves the phone back into my hand. “You are lucky, little bird. If I find out you are fucking someone else, you and him are dead. Do you understand? No one touches you, and you are definitely not touching anyone else. Got it?”
“Got it!” I nod quickly, knowing damn well his threat isn’t empty.
I still lean against the wall when he tucks his half-hard cock back into his jeans. “I have to go, but we’ll finish this tomorrow,” Briggs says, leaving no room for an argument. “Enjoy your new room, bird.” And with that, he spins around and leaves the room. Leaving me behind, more confused than ever. All I know is that his attacks are getting worse, and I need to find a way to protect myself before he takes it too far.
Just when I thought I got through to her, she disobeys me yet again. When I got to her new dorm room, it was still empty. She didn’t move in last night like I told her to. Which is why I’m on my way to her crappy apartment.
I’m pissed. She is going to get a spanking for not listening. My palm twitches at the thought. Yeah, spanking her ass seems like a good idea.