Page 32 of Hateful Vows
The next time I wake up, I actually pry my eyes open. I’m in an unfamiliar bedroom. Panic instantly fills my veins. Where am I? What happened? I sit up in the bed too fast. The room spins. My head feels like it’s about to explode, and I have to bring my hand up to shield my eyes from the sunlight filtering in through the window. The thin sheet draped over me slides down my bare chest, reminding me of my nakedness.
“Morning, bird,” a familiar voice meets my ear. “I hope you slept terribly.” Briggs, I realize.
Slowly, I remove the hand from my eyes so I can look at Briggs standing at the foot of the bed. He is fully dressed, holding a glass of water in his hand. He takes a big sip of his water, and I’m reminded of how dry my own mouth is.
His gaze lowers to my boobs, and I see something dark flicker over his eyes. “Better cover up, unless you’re ready for round two?” He smirks.
Round two? Slowly but surely, his words sink in and what happened last night comes back to me. The drinking, dancing, then Briggs showed up… wait, how did I end up in the bedroom? Oh my god, Tyler put something in my drink. Briggs took me upstairs, I remember vaguely. Then everything comes in flashes. He got me undressed, touched me, and he… I had sex with Briggs. No, he had sex with me.
“You took advantage of me,” I accuse. “I didn’t want to sleep with you.”
“Could have fooled me.” He laughs.
“I was drunk and drugged!”
“You came on my cock; your cunt squeezed me so tightly I was worried for my dick for a second.”
I stare at him, dumbfounded. He doesn’t see anything wrong with his actions. “You took my virginity when I couldn’t give consent, and you came inside of me. What’s wrong with you?”
“You didn’t object much last night. Matter of fact you told me to fuck you already, but let’s be clear, even if you would have said no, I would have taken it. I wanted something, and I took it. That’s how it works, little bird, and you should get it through your thick skull already.”
“You’re an asshole.”
Unfazed by my name calling, he walks around the bed and hands me the glass of water. “Drink this, slowly. I don’t want you throwing up in my truck. Then get dressed so I can drive you home. I owe you a ride.” The bastard winks at me.
I take a sip of the water, letting the cold liquid soothe my parched mouth. “I don’t need a ride. I’m with… oh, fuck. Maya!” I jump up off the bed, leaving the sheet behind, water spillingeverywhere as I can barely stand on my feet. “Maya! Where the hell is my friend?”
“Calm down, she is fine… I think. I mean, I really don’t know, nor do I care.”
“I need to find my phone! Where is my purse?”
“On the floor.” He points at the clutch on the ground, and I scramble to pick it up. I don’t even care that I’m naked anymore. It’s not like he hasn’t seen all of me, anyway.
I pull out my phone and unlock it right away. A bunch of unread messages from Maya lights up the screen.
There are a few more from last night and then one from this morning.
I breathe a sigh of relief. She is okay. Just worried about me. I’ll call her as soon as I get home, I decide. My car is still at her place, but I don’t think I’m in any condition to drive right now. I’m too hungover.
Grabbing my clothes from the floor, I quickly get dressed, wishing I had something less revealing to wear. Once I’m dressed and my purse is slung over my shoulder, I follow Briggs downstairs, where I find Tyler sleeping on the couch. Prick. I think to myself as we pass him. When we walk outside, I make a point of slamming the door shut, hoping Tyler is as hungover as I am. I ignore my own head throbbing at the loud noise as I use my hand to shield my eyes from the sun. Why is the sun so bright today?
I climb into the passenger seat of Briggs’s truck and buckle myself, waiting as he gets into the driver’s side. The truck rumbles to life, and we pull out of the long driveway.
“How is our lit project coming? Heading for that A, I hope,” Briggs taunts.
“I don’t want to talk to you right now,” I tell him. Not that I want to talk to him any other time.
“Are you going to give me the silent treatment for the rest of the drive?” He questions with a smirk, and I nod. “All right then,” he says before turning the rock music up to an annoyingly loud setting.
I don’t give him the satisfaction of reacting. Instead of letting him know my head hurts, I grind my teeth together and ignore the pounding against my skull.
We don’t talk for the rest of the drive, and before I know it, we’re pulling up in front of my crappy apartment complex. As soon as we park, I swing open the door to get out.