Page 18 of Hateful Vows
He’s not looking for an answer, so I don’t bother giving one. I’m too ashamed to speak, frozen in place, staring at the ceiling and wondering when this is ever going to end. And how much worse it will get before it does.
He lets out a soft chuckle before zipping himself up. “I would tell you to have a good night, but I can’t imagine how you would in this shit hole.” He even whistles softly on his way down the hall, finally leaving me alone in the bedroom. Only when I hear the front door close, do I sit up, gagging at the warmth on my legs. What matters right now is locking the door, which I do after running out to the living room.
I’ll never wear these panties again, that much is for sure. I couldn’t look at them without remembering what he just put me through. A few tears fight their way down my cheeks as I get in the shower, feeling defeated, tainted.
But that’s not the worst part. The worst part is the slickness in my pussy when I wash myself down there. Because while the whole thing was scary and gross and not at all what I wanted… it was also kind of exciting. And I don’t know what that says about me.
Ican’t get the image of Wren out of my mind. Her small hand wrapped around my cock, stroking me until my balls were ready to explode. I’ve never felt so powerful, so eager to control her, like my unwilling little puppet. Her fear only egged me on more. She hated every second of it, but I loved it enough for both of us.
“Why are you smiling like a psycho?” Preston’s voice drags me from my pleasant thoughts.
“Just thinking about my new toy and how our games turned out to be very pleasurable last evening,” I say smugly.
“Please, do tell,” Carter urges me on.
“I made her give me a hand job,” I admit shamelessly. “And it was the best hand job of my fucking life. Not that she was very skilled at it, but her hatred and fear were the biggest turn on ever. I could bathe in her misery.” Just thinking about her pleasing eyes full of emotions has my dick twitching.
“Well, fuck, now I want a hand job too. Maybe you can make her give me one next,” Carter asks, and I know he is being dead serious.
“Maybe,” I murmur, not sure if I would like the idea of seeing someone else with Wren. She is my toy, and I’ve never liked sharing.
“Come on,” Preston offers, “it will be fun. We can all come with you. You think she is scared of you now? How scared would she be if we cornered her together?”
Blood rushes to my cock. He is right, she would be so frightened. My helpless little bird caught in a trap with three angry predators. She just might piss her pants.
“Maybe a little game together would be fun,” I say, anticipation filling my veins. “Let’s find her.”
I glance at my two best friends and find the same excitement I’m feeling reflected back at me. Both of them nod, vile smiles plastered on their faces as we get up from our chairs. I pull up Wren’s schedule on my phone, and we head to the classroom we know she is in now.
According to the schedule, she should be coming out in fifteen minutes. We spend the time waiting, talking about where we are going to grab her and into what room we’re going to push her.
Right on time, the door opens and students start to pile out. I spot Wren in an instant. Her head cast down, her long brown hair covering half of her face as she walks out, holding her backpack in front of her like armor. She looks like she wants to be invisible, but couldn’t stick out more than a sore thumb.
I glance over at Carter and Preston, who both give me small nods.Showtime.
I walk into the crowd of people, getting behind Wren on one side while Preston takes her other side. She doesn’t notice us, and we let her walk straight until it’s time to strike. When she is right where we want her, we both grab one of her arms at the same time, making her tense up and yelp in surprise.
“What the hell?” She tries to shake us off, but neither one of us budges as we shove her to the right of us. “Let me go!” she says loud enough for the other students to hear.
I don’t give a shit who hears her scream. No one here is going to say a word anyways. Nobody will go against us at the school.
Carter is holding open the door for us as we push her into the empty classroom. Once inside, Carter closes the door and locks it behind us with a loud click that echoes through the space. We release Wren with a shove, and she awkwardly stumbles forward, dropping her backpack on the ground in the process. Instead of picking it up, she spins around to us.
“What do you want?” she asks, her voice shaky. Her usual vigor gone as fear has taken over her body. My little bird is not stupid. One look at us three guys, locked in a room with her, and she knows she is in trouble. Terror radiates off her in waves, making my cock stir in my jeans.
I don’t answer her right away. I let her marinade in silence. Let her conjure up all her worst fears of what we’re about to do to her before the actual taunting begins.
Her fearful eyes bounce back-and-forth between me and my two friends as we slowly step forward and begin to corner her in. She takes a few steps back but knows right away there is no place to go. Her feet stop shoveling, and she suddenly stands still while we circle her like hungry ravens.
“This isn’t funny,” she whispers, her voice unsteady.
“No one is laughing, are we?” Carter questions with a serious expression on his face.
Wren shudders before bringing her arms up to cross them in front of her.