Page 158 of Wicked Dreams
My stomach is already a map of bruises. I’m surprised they showed up so fast.
He traces one. “Did he kick you?”
I force myself to nod again.
“I’m going to kill him,” he repeats. His eyes meet mine. “What else?”
I touch my throat.
He lifts my arm.
Ian’s teeth left a red, angry mark. And right above it, the word I couldn’t bring myself to read:whore.
“I’m sorry,” I say over the lump in my throat. “I’m so s?—”
Caleb leans forward and kisses me.
It’s infinitely sweeter than the emotions I know he’s feeling. I taste his guilt, and I want to cry again.
“Do not apologize.” His voice is low. “You’re staying here tonight.”
My eyes widen.It’s against the rules, I almost say. The lump in my throat blocks all noise, but he reads my mind.
“Fuck the rules, Margo. You’re staying.”
He storms off. The door to the basement slams closed, and then I’m left alone with my silence.
My breath hitches. It hurts to inhale; it hurts to move… I examine my arm.
We need to clean the bite. Get the marker off.
It mocks me. My mother. My past.
I scratch at it. There’s dirt under my nails, too.
I notice it with vague detachment. In fact, I’m feeling rather removed from it all. I mindlessly scratch at the writing, trying to get the ink out of my skin.
Caleb comes back. He tucks his phone into his pocket and rushes over, grabbing my wrists. “Margo.”
He hauls me up, ever so gently, and carries me into the bathroom. He sets me on the counter, flicking on the light.
I wince when he takes my wrist and pulls my arm straight. I’ve managed to gouge my arm. Blood trickles down my hand, dripping off my finger.
“We’ll get it off,” he mutters. “I told Robert something bad happened. I ran out of his class when you didn’t show up.”
There’s guilt in his eyes.
I felt it on his lips. That was one thing, but seeing it?
Not ready for that.
I quickly look away, focusing on his shoulder.
“He said the way to get to you was through me.” My voice is raspy. I don’t have to tell him I’m not talking about Robert. “I’m your soft spot.”