Page 154 of Wicked Dreams
Theo and Liam are already at the table. Eli and Riley sit next to Liam, and I slide onto the bench next to Theo. Caleb comes over with two trays of food, setting one next to me. He shoots a glare at Theo, then sits on my other side.
Theo grins at me. “Thanks for bringing my girlfriend out of hiding, Asher.”
I snort and grab Caleb’s arm before he can do anything crazy—like punch his best friend.Again. I don’t think Emery-Rose would survive if Caleb had to sit out any more hockey games.
“Watch it, Alistair,” Caleb growls.
“Calm down.” I stroke his arm. “He was joking. Right, Theo?”
Theo appraises me with dark eyes. “Right.”
“See?” I turn to Caleb, triumphant.
Caleb’s face is still shuttered. He puts his hand on the back of my neck and leaves it there for the rest of lunch. The others joke around. Eli and Riley share a few looks and smiles. It’s weird being part of their table—at the center of it, really—but so separate. Is it Caleb’s doing or mine? I’ve never fit in. And I suspect, even though Caleb could charm a snake, he doesn’t try it on his friends.
They accept him as the monster he is. And me, I guess I’m just the possession he’s been trying to acquire. They ignore it, or they’re comfortable in it. Comfortable with their own demons, with the thrones they sit on. The royalty of Emery-Rose Elite are cherished from afar… because no one wants to get close to them.
No one except those who don’t know any better.
Amelie. Savannah. Who knows who else.
The bell rings, and Caleb takes his time getting up. His hand is still on my neck, holding me to him. I like the feel of his fingers on my skin. The way his short nails scratch lightly.
My heart beats faster.
I skip going to my locker to make it to class on time—not that he cares. We’re in it together, and he makes sure I’m seated right in front of him.
Our two afternoon classes should be quiet. Mr. McGuire assigns homework, then lets us work on it for the last ten minutes.
“I’ll meet you up there,” I tell Caleb before our painting class.
He nods and brushes his lips to my temple, and I head to my locker. It’s on the opposite side of the school, but I’m not too worried about being late. I’m halfway there when the hallway empties out and the bell rings.
It’s silent for a beat. Two.
I should’ve said: I’m not too worried about getting in trouble for being late.
My heart pounds, and I quicken my steps. Will Robert give me detention for being late, or if he’ll let it slide this time?
I just got ungrounded, after all. Who knows how far he can be pushed?
Does he separate home from school? I mean—I know he does, technically. But will Mr. Bryan factor in my recent grounding as a prior offense?
Someone slams into me from behind.
I go flying forward, falling to my hands and knees. The impact rattles through my shoulders. My backpack slides away from me.
What the fuck?
Hands yank me up, pushing me face-first into the lockers. The cold metal kisses my cheek. The hands turn me around, keeping me pinned. They touch too much—my chest, the side of my breast.
My skin crawls.
“Wrong place, wrong time.” Ian Fletcher’s face is wild with excitement.
How long has he waited for a moment where I’m alone and unguarded?
Caleb should be in Robert’s class by now. How long will he wait before coming to find me? Two minutes after the bell? Five? Fifteen?