Page 62 of Bullet
I squeezed his hand tighter, riding a wave of dangerous currents. I could feel myself drowning in him. Sweat slicked my skin as he fucked me wildly. He railed into me. The slap of our bodies coming together blended with my gasps of breath and his growls of pleasure. Scents of sex saturated the air.
I wanted more. I wanted him deeper, wanted the brash and dangerous man with an insolent attitude towards a socially acceptable life and a fuck all arrogance toward any authority but his own.
I craved his scent on me, wanted him to mark me as his property. As he powered over my body, I accepted, for this moment, I did want to be owned. I tried to speak, to tell him to fuck me harder, to make me his, but couldn’t choke out the words.
“I’ve got you,” he said, staring into my eyes.
Quivers rippled his abdomen with each roll of his pelvis, his cock sliding in and out of me with a rhythm that had me keening closer to release.
My back arched, juices dripped from my center and soaked his cock. He glanced to where our bodies joined. “Look how good your pussy takes my dick.”
With his hard cock tearing through me, intense pleasure seared throughout my body. Tension coiled low in my center. I was so close.
“Oh god,” I moaned, free falling into a light-headedness as my body convulsed. Spasms ripped through my pussy, and fluids gushed from my core.
“Fuck.” Bullet gripped my thighs, opened me wider, thrust my knees toward my ears, and pounded the fuck out of my pussy. Like a machine, he fucked me through one orgasm and into the next.
Tendons in his neck stretched, and his mouth pulled into a tight line. Veins bulged in his forearms, his firm grip holding me hostage. Thrust after thrust, he slammed his cock into me.
I couldn’t tear my gaze away from the power of his possession. With a shout, every muscle in his body seized, his cock swelled inside of me, and he came in hard, jerking pulses. He was beautiful to watch. His brows furrowed, jaw clenched, and his gaze rooted me in this moment, suspended in a euphoric high of pleasure. Harsh breaths filled his chest, but his grip on my thighs loosened, and my legs fell to the bed.
With a slight shift, his softening cock slipped out of my pussy, and the heavy weight of his body covered me as he held me close and breathed against my neck.
I wound my arms around his shoulders and held him closer.
Whatever this was between us, it was more than I could explain and nothing like I’d ever felt. With the way he clutched me, he had to be feeling it too, thiswild and wanton recklessness. I combed my fingers into his hair.
Rolling to the side, he lifted my face and covered my mouth with his. The kiss was slow and sensual, just enough tongue to taste. One hand caressed my hip and ass, the other cradled my jaw.
I was acutely aware of him, the heat of his inked skin close to me, the way he filled the bed, the rise and fall of his chest. And the unspoken connection soaking the space between us. I could feel him over every inch of my body. This was going to change us.
Chapter Nine
I sat at the table with a second cup of coffee. Every time I glanced at Stormy, she smiled, and a blush tinted her cheeks.
“We should get going,” I said to her and finished the dregs in my cup.
“Back to the MC?” She carried the cup to the sink, quickly washed it, and set it upside down on the tea towel.
“We need to head over to Lacey’s place. You need something to wear to the BDSM club tonight. Lacey can hook you up, and you can see Bristol while we’re there. She’s staying with Lacey and Clover.”
She nibbled on her lip and braced her hand against the counter.
“What’s worrying you? It can’t be Bristol.”
“Maybe you should just drop me off at the MC. I’m sure I can put together something from my dancing outfits.”
“We have to fit in. It’ll be you and me, and Torch and Gabi.”
“You could pick something for me to wear. I don’t want to go. I mean, I’ll go to the club, just not to see your girls.”
I came around the counter and wrapped my arms around her. “Trust me. Bristol is going to be fine with you and me.”
She lifted those brown eyes to me, but there was still a question in the worry on her face. “I know.”
I hopped up on the counter. “Talk to me. Was this, you and me, a one-time thing? Tell me if it is, but you gotta know, that’s not what I want.” I rested a hand at the base of her neck and pulled her closer. “But I can tell you, it’s going to be fucking impossible to be in the same room with you and not touch you.” My thumb stroked her fluttering pulse point. “If I touch you, I’ll want to taste you.” I kissed her hard, sliding my tongue into her mouth.