Page 22 of Bullet
Before I could refute that misunderstanding, she was gone. I was definitely not one of Bullet’s girls.
I walked in the direction the girl had been headed and followed the voices. There was an office at the end of the hall. I couldn’t see his face, but I heard Bullet speak. In the open doorway, his long legs stretched out in front of him. A cigarette burned between his fingers.
The conversation continued as I approached. Another biker sat behind the desk. But unlike the raw aggressiveness of Bullet, this man was beautiful. His dark hair was pulled into a messy bun at the back of his head. My tummy did a little tumble. Without the hard angles of his jaw, he’d almost be feminine with high cheekbones, long lashes, and a devilish grin.
“We need a vote,” Bullet said.
“Just a formality,” the pretty boy with tattoos said. Ink covered his arms and colored his neck and hands. “We got your back, Bullet. If she—” He noticed me standing in the doorway holding the two mugs of coffee. “Hi.”
Bullet turned in my direction. He squinted at me as he took a long pull on the cigarette caught between his unsmiling lips. He had a silent and deadly vibe. I couldn’t tell if he was upset with me for interrupting. I was just following directions. The girl hadn’t really given me a choice.
And I was used to following orders.
“Levi asked me to bring you these.” I set the mugs on the desk. “She, uh, didn’t see me sitting out there. She’s in the bathroom.”
The beautiful guy laughed, leaned forward, and grabbed one of the mugs. “I didn’t know a knocked-up Levi was going to be so fun,” he said to Bullet. “She laughs. She pees. She sneezes. She pees.”
“If you scare her,” I said. “She pees. I guess I’ll go wait.” I stepped backwards out of the office. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
Bullet stood and pointed to the chair. “Sit.”
I cocked a brow. Not that I didn’t want to stay and hear whatever Bullet planned, but he barked orders like I was his dog, which was only slightly better than Levi assuming I was one of his girls. I lowered into the chair. “Thank you. But you need to work on your communication skills.”
“Is everything going to be a challenge with you?”
I clamped my mouth closed. What was it about him that made me want to snap back?
Romeo chuckled, opened a drawer, fished through the contents, and tossed Bullet a key. “Rent is one-fifty.”
“A month?” I asked, my voice raising. Impossible. At that price, I could hide here as long as it took for Emerson to…I don’t know, either give up his pursuit of my punishment or maybe decide not to get into a confrontation with a badass biker with a big dick who killed people.
Although I didn’t think Emerson would back down from a fight as long as he had guys like Mars willing to get dirty with him.
“One-fifty a week,” Romeo said.
Oh, that made more sense.
Bullet twirled the key on his finger. “Charge it to my account.”
“No,” I interrupted. “I can pay my own rent.”
Romeo leaned back in his chair. “Sorry. Can’t rent you the room. Members only.”
I guess I didn’t understand all the rules of an MC. Bullet stood over me. I glanced up. “I’ll pay you for the room.”
“Come on,” he said and escorted me out of the office.
“I’m not going to let you pay my rent,” I said once we were in the hall. “I’m not one of your girls.”
“You don’t work for me, but that doesn’t mean you’re not one of my girls.”
“I kind of think it does.”
“I’m starting to think your mouth is only good for bitching.”
I nearly stumbled in my steps. I’d seen his cock in the bathroom. Not that I’dcaught a glimpse, I’d stared, with my mouth dry and my pussy growing wet. I’d seen all of him. Now, I didn’t have to imagine the tatts on his chest, or the dimples above his ass.
I wasn’t just tortured with my memory of him from that night, his voice, and hard gleam in his eyes, and the way he’d called me brown eyes.