Page 90 of Vicious Luna
“That’s because you rolled in with the big dogs,” I snicker, cupping a hand around my mouth and howling. A chorus of howls echo back to me a I toss back the rest of my vodka cranberry, adding my glass to the pile of empties in the center of the table. “Want a drink?”
“Sure, I’d take a beer,” he replies, snaking a hand under the table to subtly adjust himself in his jeans.
Shit, did someone just crank the temperature up in here?I throw up a hand to flag down a nearby cocktail waitress, ordering a beer for Cam and a water for myself, since I obviously need to cool off.
She scurries off to get our drinks and the two of us sit in awkward silence for a few moments. Well, the termsilenceis relative, since the music is loud enough to blow the doors off this place. I’m still buzzed, but the heat coursing through my veins has nothing to do with the alcohol. I’m flustered by Cam’s proximity; distracted by the way I keep catching girls leering in his direction and whispering to their friends. I need to steer this train back on the tracks, and fast.
“How was your day with my brother?” I ask casually, angling my body toward Cam’s. Not only because our bond instinctively draws me closer, but also as a signal to the other bitches in here that he’s not up for grabs.
“Fine,” he mutters in response. “We just kinda avoided each other.”
The corner of my mouth ticks up. “And here I thought you’d be bonding over my bad behavior.”
He rakes a hand through his curly hair, barking a laugh. “Definitely enough there to bond over, but I don't think we’re quite there yet.”
“Too bad,” I pout. “I swear Madd’s a good time when he loosens up.”
“Oh yeah, and when does he do that?”
“Never,” Ares laughs as he approaches our table from my other side, sliding two bottles of beer and a cup of water onto the surface in front of me.
I turn to face him, squinting suspiciously. “You sure you don’t work here?”
He rolls his eyes, dropping down onto the stool beside me. Then he helps himself to one of the beers, clearing his throat as he twists off the cap and flickering Cam a glance. “Cam, right?” he asks. “I’m Ares. Think we might’ve got off on the wrong foot…”
“You mean when you shoved a bag over my head and stuffed me into a cell?” Cam deadpans, grabbing for the other bottle of beer.
Ares chuckles uncomfortably, taking a swig from his own and wiping his mouth off on a wrist. “No hard feelings, man. I’m just protective of my girl here.” He tips his head toward me in indication and Cam visibly tenses.
“Your girl?” he repeats, arching a dubious brow. He twists the cap off his beer, raising the rim to his lips nonchalantly. “From what I hear, you’re just friends.”
"Closefriends,” Ares clarifies suggestively as he slides an arm around my shoulders.
Cam lowers his beer to the table with a thud, his wolf pushing forward threateningly in his irises as I shrug Ares’ arm off with a groan.
“Okay, you two can stop with the dick measuring contest already,” I sigh, throwing a thumb toward Cam as I turn to face Ares. “Trust me, you don’t wanna get into one with this guy.”
Ares puffs out his chest, scoffing, “Wanna bet?”
“Dude, it’s never gonna happen,” I cluck, shaking my head. “Even if I didn’t have six years on you, we’refriends. And as for you,” I say, swinging my gaze back to Cam, “get your wolf in check before he busts out and causes a scene, huh?”
Cam flinches back, his brows drawing together. “How did you…?”
“Your eyes.”
He drops his gaze to the tabletop, rubbing his fingers against his temple and muttering something under his breath that I can’t make out over the thump of the music.
Ares takes his beer and gets to his feet, winking at me, and I flip him the bird as I scowl back. His responding laugh cuts through the noise while he retreats to the bar. I turn back to Cam, reaching out to set a hand on his arm, and he lets out a puff of breath, shoulders relaxing from my touch.
“You alright?” I ask.
He lifts his head, nodding, and I’m relieved to see that he’s successfully tucked his wolf away. Those dark eyes meet mine,clear of any glimmers of gold, though the set of his jaw is still tense.
“Ares is an idiot,” I sigh, retracting my hand and picking up my water cup. “You’ll learn to love him eventually.”
“We’ll see about that,” Cam mutters before taking another pull from his beer bottle. His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows it down, his gaze flickering past me. “Were you planning on staying here for a while?”
“Dunno, why?”