Page 46 of Vicious Luna
By the time I catch my breath and pull out, we’re both a little dazed, but she recovers faster than I do. Elbowing me out of the way, she slips past me to grab her leggings from the end of the cot, cleaning up the mess between her thighs before tossing them at me.
“Wash those for me, will ya?” she asks, all fucking sass.
I cut her a glare as I stoop to pull my boxers and jeans back on. “What do you think this is, a laundry service?” I grumble.
She clasps her hands in front of her, batting her lashes. “Please?”
“I’ll see what I can do,” I murmur, wadding up the fabric in my hands. “Sit tight, I’ll bring you a pair of shorts for now.”
“And they say chivalry is dead,” she jokes, winking at me as she rounds the side of her cot and drops down onto the edge.
I cast her a withering look, then turn to head for the door, unlocking it and slipping out of her cell. Once it’s securely re-locked from the outside, I make my way upstairs and go straight to my room to toss her leggings in the hamper and grab her a pair of shorts, but the sound of unfamiliar voices coming from the back of the house gives me pause. I freeze for a moment, listening intently as a prickle of warning makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Then curiosity getsthe best of me and I change course, leaving the shorts on my bed and heading toward the living room to investigate.
As soon as I walk in and sweep my gaze over the nine strangers seated on the sofas with my father, I realize exactly who they are.
“You must be the reinforcements,” I say as I make my way over to them, more than a little fucking irritated that my dad didn’t give me a heads-up as to the fact they were arriving today.
The closest guy shoots to his feet as I approach, holding out a hand. “Gary Leeson, explosives expert,” he greets.
My brows shoot up and my head snaps in my dad’s direction. “Explosives?”
He nods his head, his expression impassive. “Sit down, son. We have a lot to talk about.”
Iwouldn’t exactly say I’ve gotten comfortable in my captivity, but I’ve been sleeping deeper at night. The full moon is right around the corner, and an odd sense of calm has come over me with the conviction that in a matter of days, I’ll either escape from this prison or die trying. I’ll never have to look at these four ugly concrete walls ever again, never have to sleep on this uncomfortable cot or take in the world through that tiny barred window. Either way the pendulum swings, I’ll finally be free.
Okay, the deep sleep I fall into might also have something to do with the way Cam railed me against the wall earlier. What can I say? Earth-shattering orgasms have a way of taking it out of a girl. The whole getting on my knees to swipe the keys thing didn’t work out quite as planned, but at least I gotsomethingout of it in the end. And I didn’t exactly hate blowing Cam. He’s got a great dick, worthy of worship. It’s just too bad it’s attached to my mortal enemy.
The coma he fucked me into is rudely disrupted by the metallic sound of keys jingling, and I snap awake when I hear the hushed whispers of voices outside my cell.Voices, plural. Neither of which has that familiar low, raspy quality that my warden’s carries.
My pulse skyrockets and I jolt upright, blinking through the darkness in the direction of the cell door. My wolf still isn’t at full strength, but the wolfsbane has cleared my system enough that my enhanced shifter vision has returned. It allows me to see a hell of a lot better than the average human can in the dark, and what I do see makes my blood run cold.
Two men are standing outside my cell, one of whom I recognize as the guy who grabbed my wrist and yanked my arm through the bars. At the time, his threat to do worse was all false bravado, given the locked door between us. Now, with the keys in his hand, it seems he’s intent to deliver on that promise. He’s fumbling to unlock the door while the stranger beside him looks on nervously, whispering for him to quiet down so he doesn’t wake me.
Too late, assholes.
“What do you want?” I demand loudly, and they simultaneously snap their heads up to peer in my direction, right as the door lock turns over with a heavy click.
The dickhead who attacked me- Griff, I think Cam called him- pushes it open, stepping over the threshold into my cell. “Didn’t I tell you I’d be back?” he asks mockingly.
“Get out,” I snap, not in the mood to deal with whatever fuckery these two idiots are up to.
“She’s a mouthy one, huh?” the second guy comments, chuckling to himself as he steps in behind Griff and gives me a leering once-over. “You’d think Knox’s pet would be better trained.”
“Especially after all the time he’s spent down here,” Griff agrees, scrunching up his nose in disgust as he eyes me from across the cell. “Maybe he’s losing his edge.”
He advances another step, and when the moonlight hits the planes of his mangled face, I suck in a quiet gasp of surprise. Mottled green and yellow bruising covers almostevery inch of his ugly mug, and the bridge of his nose is bent at an awkward angle.Ouch. Guess when Cam said he ‘took care of’ the guy who threatened me, that meant he beat the dude’s face in.
Not gonna lie, it’s a little bit shocking to see that he roughed up his colleague for messing withme, the girl he’s labeled as a monster. And also kind of endearing? Definitely confusing.
“Getout,” I repeat, scowling at the pair of hunters slowly creeping further into my cell.
“Only after we get what we came for,” Griff sneers as he moves toward me. His buddy follows close behind, mumbling something to Griff that sounds a whole lot like‘I'll hold her down’.
Oh HELL no.
I swing my legs over the edge of the cot and push up to my feet, aiming to make a break for it, but I’m at a severe disadvantage with there being two of them and one of me. They simultaneously lunge in my direction, wrestling me back onto the cot while I scream my head off, kicking and punching and trying to fight them away. If there weren’t two of them, it’d be easy for me to get the upper hand- but each time I manage to land a blow on one, the other is right there. With my wolf still partially out of commission, it isn’t a fair fight.