Page 20 of Vicious Luna
I flinch, and he must see it because he subtly readjusts hishands, still keeping me locked in place but in a decidedly more comfortable way.
“Myproblem, asshole, is that you’re literally holding me hostage,” I seethe, still writhing beneath him in an effort to get free. He’s too damn strong, though. Too big. And now that he’s got me pinned, I’m at a severe disadvantage. “Let. Me. Go!”
To my surprise, he actually does. He shoves up to his feet, wiping at his nose angrily as he backs into the doorway of my cell, blood streaking over the back of his hand. “Do I need to get you a fucking shock collar or something?” he sneers, his upper lip curling in disgust.
I huff out a breath as I scramble up from the floor, fists clenched and ready for round two. Much to my disappointment, he doesn’t meet my challenge for a rematch. Instead, he grabs onto the bars of the door and slinks back another step, swinging it closed in front of him with a metallic clang.
“Clearly you can’t be trusted to leave your cell right now,” Cam says flatly, twisting the key in the lock. “If you want to shower, you’re going to have to learn how to behave yourself.” He jerks his chin down to indicate the tray on the floor. “And eat your food, or I’ll assume you’re not hungry and stop bringing it.”
“Screw you, Cam,” I spit.
There’s a flash of surprise on his face at my use of his name, his fists clenching at his sides and the muscle in his jaw ticking. He opens his mouth as if to respond, but then he clamps it closed again, shaking his head with a scowl.Guess I caught him off guard with that one.
Turning on a heel, he stalks away silently, his movements jerky and his shoulders bunched with tension. Shit, if I knew calling him by his name would provoke such a reaction, I would’ve done it sooner.
Like clockwork, the door at the top of the stairs slams, andI take a moment to brush off my clothes and readjust the way my shirt’s tied before resuming my jumping jacks. If I’m going to beat this guy at his own game, then I need to keep up with my workouts and build my strength. Because Iwillfind a way to escape this cell.
Even if it’s the last thing I do.
Iwake up in a cold sweat, my head pounding in agony. Typically after drinking all day and night, I completely black out and wake up some eight hours later with a vicious hangover. I didn’t black out last night, though. Idreamed. But I’m still hung over as fuck if this splitting headache is anything to go by.
Rolling over in bed with a groan, I paw for my laptop on my nightstand, pulling it onto my lap and flipping open the lid. The light from the screen immediately assaults my retinas and I hiss in a breath through my teeth, the stabbing pain in my head intensifying. Squeezing my eyes closed, I place my fingers on the keyboard and type in my passcode from muscle memory, giving myself a few more seconds to actually wake up before re-opening them and logging into The Guild’s surveillance program.
Just like I have upon waking each morning since she arrived, I begin my day by bringing up the video feed of Luna’s cell. More and more, I’ve been allowing my hand to gravitate to my morning wood as I observe her on the screen, knowing full well how goddamn masochistic it is to strokemy dick to her image, yet unable to stop myself from doing it. Day by day, my obsessive tendencies are slowly driving me to madness.
Fuck.I slide my hand into my boxers, my cock instantly thickening beneath my palm at the sight of my little beastie going through the motions of her morning workout. She’s currently on the floor doing crunches. Her shirt is tied up again, bare stomach slick with sweat and her sculpted ab muscles bunching and flexing with every rep. Some guys prefer their women soft and pliable, but I’ve never seen the allure of easy prey. I live for the thrill of the hunt.
Wrapping my hand around my girth, I run my thumb over the tip, smearing a bead of precum over the velvety skin while I watch the video feed with rapt attention. She makes crunches look effortless, her movements practiced and fluid. I lazily start stroking myself in time with each rise and fall of her body, then pick up the pace as my mind drifts back to just how fucking good it felt to get my hands on her during our little wrestling match yesterday.
She’s scrappy, I’ll give her that. I wasn’t expecting her to put up as much of a fight as she did, nor did I think she’d be able to catch me with a punch straight to the nose. Is it weird that it turned me on a little? Most men aren’t able to go toe to toe with me, yet she didn’t miss a beat. Color me impressed.
My breath comes out in short pants as I fuck my hand harder to the memory of her pinned beneath me, eyes filled with fire and fury, and my orgasm starts barreling down on me in record speed. Then movement on my computer screen catches my attention as Luna rolls over onto her stomach to start in on a round of push-ups, and the sight of that perfectly round ass is what does me in. I sink my teeth into my lower lip to stifle a groan, body shuddering as sticky ropes of cum land on my lower abs.
As soon as the euphoria of release passes, self-loathing sets in. I lean over to grab a discarded t-shirt from the floor and clean up the mess on my stomach, then proceed to goabout business as usual, as if that didn’t just fucking happen. As if I didn’t just come harder than a teenage virgin at the memory of being punched in the face by a girl I’m supposed to despise.
No. Not a girl. A werewolf. A supernatural monster.
How many times do I have to remind myself that before it’ll finally sink in?
Closing out of the video feed, I log onto our encrypted e-mail server to check my messages, skimming through the daily reports from each of our teams. It’s admittedly something I’ve been slacking on, in part due to the fact that Ben isn’t here to read through them for me and give me the highlights like he used to. There isn’t anything of significance in the reports, so I quickly move on to the message board, finding nothing new there, either.
Lastly, I run through a cursory check of The Guild’s accounts, making sure everything’s in order with our finances. We just received a big donation from another ‘anonymous’ backer to fund the reinforcements we have coming, but other than that, there hasn’t been any change. Despite me falling behind on everything over the past two weeks while drunk off my ass, it’s all status quo.
Snapping my laptop shut, I finally peel myself out of bed and go about getting ready for the day. The moment I step foot in my bathroom, I cringe at the sight of my face in the mirror- or rather, at the mess of dried blood flaking off my skin from the shot I took to the nose.Fuck, the other guys are gonna give me so much shit for getting punched by a girl.I crank on the tap, bending over to wash my face, but when I straighten and look at my reflection again, I’m pleasantly surprised to find that there isn’t any visible bruising.
Huh. Guess that punch didn’t land as hard as I thought. Small victories, right?
After taking a few minutes to scrub up and make myself presentable, I finally emerge from my room to head for thekitchen, spotting my dad pouring himself a cup of coffee at the counter. He glances up as I approach, arching a brow. “Coffee?”
I jerk a nod, glancing toward the living room as I hop up to sit on the counter while he grabs a second mug from the cabinet. A few of our soldiers are already awake, lounging on the sofas and chatting amongst themselves.
“Given any thought to training with Bravo team today?” Dad asks me as he hands my coffee over. He’s been on me about getting back in the swing of things with my team and was less than subtle about it over dinner last night.
I grunt in affirmation as I take it from him. “Yeah, I’ll be there.”
His brows lift in surprise.