Page 15 of Vicious Luna
“Sounds like things are going well down there,” Dad comments as I emerge from the basement, shutting the door behind me to block off the sound of the Luna’s angry screams.
I give him a withering look and he beckons me with a flick of his head, prompting me to follow him through the open-plan kitchen and living room in the back of the house and out through the glass French doors to the patio.
Before this place was converted into a Guild safehouse, it was obviously used as some rich fuck’s vacation home. The back patio is designed for entertaining, complete with an outdoor kitchen, ample seating, and a firepit surrounded by decorative stone pavers. Dad and I sink down onto a pair of heavy wooden Adirondack chairs circling the firepit and I lean back with a sigh, stabbing my fingers through my thick curly hair.
“Get anything useful yet?” he asks, arching a brow in my direction.
I give a quick shake of my head. “Still working on it,” I mutter. “Haven’t even gotten to the actual interrogation yet.”
“She putting up a fight?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe.”
I continue carding my fingers through my hair as I turn to glance through the windows into the back of the house, that itchy, unsettled feeling coming over me again. Several soldiers are occupying the couches in the living room, kicked back like they don’t have a care in the world.Must be nice.
“Hm,” Dad muses, quietly considering. “Be on guard with this one. She’s a high-profile target for a reason, son. You shouldn’t underestimate her.”
I snort a laugh.Don’t I know it.
I’m not sure what I expected when I asked to take point on our prisoner, but now that I’ve spent some time around her, I’m re-thinking how I should approach this. I originally figured I’d just scare some information out of her by making idle threats, but violence doesn’t deter the little beastie. Itexcitesher. When she tried to run and I forcibly restrained her, I could feel the way her pulse quickened and hear the way her breath stuttered. Whether consciously or not, her body responded like it thrilled her.
Maybe she’s got a fear kink. But if that’s the case, then I must, too- because that whole interaction made my dick hard before she even took her clothes off.
Fuck, thatbody. I told myself I wasn’t going to look when she was in the shower, but I couldn’t help it, and now I wish I hadn’t because the image of her naked and dripping is permanently imprinted in my memory. Her smooth, sunkissed skin, her full, perky tits… goddamn, those tits are fuckinghugeon her slender frame, and her tiny pink nipples were hard as diamonds beneath the cold shower spray. I’d already seen her floral tattoo sleeve on her right arm, but she’s also got a floral thigh piece on the opposite side that climbs up and wraps around her hip, accentuating her already dangerous curves. Between her doll-like face, that incredible body, and her badass ink, she’s the hottest thing I’ve ever fucking seen.
She knows it, too. Luna wields her sexuality like a damn weapon, and for a second, she almost got me.Almost.
Thank fuck I came to my senses and got out of there before I did something I’d live to regret. No matter how attractive she is, I have to remember that she’s not a person. She’s a monster. Just like a siren aiming to lure unsuspecting men to their demise, she’s obviously angling to trick me into letting my guard down so I’ll slip up and leave her an opening to escape.
Good thing I’m just as adept in psychological warfare.
“What’s our deadline here?” I ask, swiping a hand over my chin as I turn to face my dad again. “How far out are our reinforcements?”
We can’t even consider making another move on this pack of werewolves until they arrive. The failed mission on the night of the full moon culled almost half our ranks, and we’d be idiots to make another attempt without learning from our prior mistakes.
“At least another week,” Dad mutters in response, his irritated tone telling me just how thrilled he is with that timeline. We’re all itching to retaliate for the losses we sustained during the last mission, but we haven’t built up The Guild over the last decade only to destroy it now. We can’t allow emotion to cloud our judgment. We need to play this smart and stay on guard, because there’s no room for another failure.
“I’m sure I can get something by then,” I state confidently. “She won’t give up anything easily, but I have a few ideas of how to play this.”
He shrugs a shoulder, seemingly lost in thought. “Take your time.”
My brows lift in surprise. Jonathan Knox has a reputation for being ruthless when it comes to extracting information from captives, so if he’s encouraging me to play the long game here, then he must have something else up his sleeve. Which reminds me that I still need to brush up on his original plan.Before I can ask him about it, though, he continues, getting to the real reason he brought me out here to chat.
“We got another tip-off about that pack near Denver that keeps evading us.”
I sit up straighter, my interest piqued. “Verified?”
He gives a little shake of his head. “Not yet, but the Delta team is headed out tonight to confirm. I don’t want to split our focus again, so if the info’s good, we’ll wipe out the pack up north, then head there. I want to be ready to move by the time our reinforcements arrive.”
I drum my fingers against the wooden armrest of my chair, mulling it over. The werewolves in Denver have been on our radar since the beginning. The Guild’s first successful mission resulted in killing off a handful of them, but the rest seemingly went into hiding afterwards, so we were forced to move on. We caught a lucky break when we returned to Colorado this year and picked off a couple more before they went dark again, and we’ve been biding our time with this pack up north until we could get more solid intel to carry out another mission there. A pack that we located based off a random tip and vastly underestimated.
“Keep me posted,” I finally say, assuming he’ll be with Delta team to verify the intel. The Denver missions have always seemed personal for him, probably because they’re the only ones we haven’t been able to successfully complete.
Well, until recently, that is. Now we’ve also got a vendetta against the northern Colorado pack, and that one’s personal to all of us.
“Same to you,” Dad sighs, pushing out of his chair. “Set a strategy meeting for tomorrow afternoon?”
“Yeah, I’ll have…” I catch myself before I say Ben’s name, abruptly snapping my mouth shut. I was about to say I’d have him get a message out to the team leads, like he always did, but dead men can’t arrange meetings. “Fuck,” I groan, scrubbing a hand over my face.