Page 63 of Alpha Chase
“Sure thing,” she chirps, a full glass nearly slipping from her hands as she sets it onto a tray beside her. Charlotte’s a sweet girl, but she’s clumsy as hell. I’ve had to help her clean up more than a few spills tonight. “Hurry back?”
“Will do,” I breathe, gripping my phone in my hands like it’s a lifeline and abandoning the overflowing tray of glasses to head through the storage room to the back exit.
I slip out the door, the biting chill in the night air smacking me in the face as my exposed arms break out in goosebumps. I shuffle against the building, leaning my back on the cold stone wall and staring down at my phone. Chase’s text remains on the screen, calling to me like a beacon of misplaced hope.
Should I even respond?
I’m still mulling it over when my phone vibrates again, another text coming through.
Chase:whatcha doin?
I heave a sigh, clicking on his message and typing out a clipped response before I overthink it and change my mind.
His reply is immediate, my finger still hovering over the ‘send’ key as it comes in.
I sigh again, my breath fogging in the frigid air. Of course he’d be confused by that, this guy hasn’t had to work a day in his life.
Vienna:Picked up a double.
Chase:when do you get off? wanna come over?
I roll my eyes, fingers typing out a one-word response.
Again, his next message comes in so quickly that I barely have time to blink.
Chase:come on. I’ll make it worth your while ;)
I can’t say I’m not tempted. I still feel the ghost of his hands on my body, his husky whispers in my ear, and his lips all over me. Chase Walker talks a big game, but damnit if he doesn’t back it up. I press my thighs together just thinking about it, an all too familiar throb starting between my legs as I fire off my reply.
Vienna:Oh yeah?
Vienna:Hmm, tempting…
My lips curl into a smirk as I immediately follow it up with another message.
I stare at my phone for a few moments, my heart sinking when an instantaneous response doesn’t appear. I’ll bet he’s moving down his list, texting some other poor girl for a booty call since I refused him.
My phone vibrates again.
And again.
Chase:how about another pic?
I suddenly realize that I’m grinning down at my phone like a fool, re-reading his messages twice, three times, before I suck in a breath and type out a response.
Vienna:Was my message not clear in the last photo I sent you?