Page 15 of Alpha Chase
“That’s Miles,” Levi supplies, his breath tickling my ear as he speaks into it. “Don’t worry, the guy’s got zero game. Your friend’s safe.”
“He’s not the one I’m worried about,” I mutter, taking a slow sip of my drink.
“Who, Cal?” He arches a dark brow. “I wouldn’t worry about that either. The guy’s cold as ice, won’t get close to anyone. Except us, that is.”
Levi leans over me, his other hand coming to my bare thigh, fingertips applying the slightest pressure. I don’t even know why my eyes flicker to Chase, but they do- and his are so dark they’re almost black as he glares at Levi’s hand on my leg, the muscle in his jaw twitching. His body is rigid and tense like a coiled viper, ready to strike.
“That’s Alec,” Levi says, pulling my attention back to him as he nods to the blonde guy on the couch to our right, sandwiched between two scantily clad women. “And the tall one’s Dare. They’re brothers. Twins, actually.”
My gaze sweeps over to the other guy, whispering in the ear of the girl perched on his lap as she giggles. “Really?” I scrunch my nose, comparing the two men. They don’t even look like they’re related, let alone twins. “I don’t see it.” I take another long sip, emptying my cup.
“Need a refill?” Levi immediately asks, lifting his warm hand from my thigh and plucking the cup from my hand. “I’ve got you.” He winks as he pushes up from the couch and I feel my cheeks heat in a blush.
“Thanks,” I breathe, and he gives me a little nod before starting across the room to the bar. Even as I watch after him, I feel the weight of a stare on me, goosebumps breaking out over my arms.
I hazard a glance, but I wish I hadn’t. Chase’s stare is fucking lethal, those dark eyes intense beneath his furrowed brow. Even as I meet it, he doesn’t look away.
“What?” I challenge, folding my arms across my chest uncomfortably and crossing one leg over the other.
His gaze drops to my legs- only for an instant- then locks back with mine. He doesn’t respond which only makes me grow increasingly uncomfortable. I dart my eyes away, shifting my weight on the sofa as I wait for Levi to return. Thankfully, he does quickly, and I eagerly take my cup back from him, gulping down the fresh drink in an effort to calm my nerves.
After two more drinks, I’m rolling on a solid buzz. Levi was right, this jungle juice is dangerous. I’m all giggly and loose and relaxed, leaning into Levi as we talk, laughing at his jokes. I hardly even notice Chase anymore as he sits there brooding over a bottle of whiskey. Miles and Callum seem to still be competing for Nessa’s attention and she’s all smiles, lapping it up.
When I excuse myself to get up and find the restroom, I’m a little unsteady on my heels. Even though I’m a shifter, alcohol affects me more than most due to my size- my friends often tease me for being a lightweight. I wander down a dark hallway and locate a little powder room, thankful that it’s unoccupied since my bladder feels like it’s about to burst. After using the toilet, I wash my hands and check my reflection in the mirror, a fresh surge of confidence rushing through me. I look damn good tonight. Nessa was right- I’m glad we didn’t waste these outfits. I’m having a lot more fun than I thought I would.
I pull the door open, flipping the light off as I step back out into the dark hallway, my body colliding with something hard and immovable.
For a second, I think I’m so drunk that I somehow ran into a wall. Then I realize that said wall is breathing, an arm hooking around my waist to catch me before I teeter backwards. I press my hands to a hard chest, muscles rippling beneath them, warmth radiating into my skin. I breathe in his scent, my head snapping up when I realize who it is even before I meet his dark eyes.
“Having fun?” Chase asks, his chest rumbling under my palms as he speaks.
“I…” my voice gets caught somewhere in my throat, my heart slamming against my ribcage. His scent invades my senses and my legs suddenly feel a little rubbery beneath me. There’s a chaotic energy crackling between us- I don’t know what it is or how to make sense of it, I just know that it’s intoxicating me like a drug, drawing me in.Does he feel it too?
I’m suddenly hyper-aware of his proximity- of his chest against mine, of his arm wrapped around my waist. Reality slams back into me like a ton of bricks and I push back against his chest, wriggling out of his grip. “What did I say about those big paws of yours?”
He lets me struggle for a moment, not releasing me until he wants to. “Guess I’ll let you fall next time,” he growls as I stumble back, catching myself on the doorframe. “You need to learn how to watch where you’re going, pixie.”
I scowl up at Chase. “Or maybe you just need to stop getting in my way, you big lug.” I step toward him, pointing a finger, emboldened by the alcohol in my system. I press it into his chest, eyes narrowed with steely determination. “You still owe me a phone.”
He looks down at my finger. “You think Ioweyou something?” He moves toward me and I flinch back instinctively, stepping backwards until my heels meet the wall. Chase slaps a palm up beside me to cage me in, reaching out to grab my chin with his other hand. His grip is rough, but the sensation of his skin against mine is electric, like a pleasant current shooting out from his fingertips. There’s gravel in his voice as he asks, “what are you going to do about it?”
I’m caught off guard, flustered, and feel like I could catch on fire at any moment. “I… I don’t…” I pant breathlessly, blinking up at Chase as he invades my space.
“All bark and no bite.” His voice is strained and the look in his eyes is feral as his gaze drops to my mouth. He adjusts his grip on my chin, the pad of his thumb swiping my lower lip. My heart threatens to beat out of my chest; I squeeze my thighs together as heat pools between my legs. Then I watch his brows pull in, his eyes wild like a man possessed as he forces his thumb past my lips.
I bite down. Hard.
“What the fuck?!” Chase yanks his thumb back, shaking out his hand.
I bring my palms to his chest and shove his big body away from me. I’m obviously no match for his size or strength, but I must take him by surprise because he actually stumbles back, eyes thrown wide.
“You’re wrong,” I smirk, smugly satisfied to have gotten the upper hand on him, for once. “I’mall bite.”
He shakes his head, grumbling, “you’re fucking crazy.” Then he turns and stalks away, disappearing down the hallway into the darkness.