Page 13 of Alpha Chase
Her brows shoot up like she was expecting a different answer- though I’m not sure what about our conversation yesterday led her to believe that I was into Chase. I couldn’t stop going off about what an entitled prick he was. Sure, I’m physically attracted to him, but I’m also attracted to Levi. I had to choose one, Levi seems like the lesser of the two evils.
“So the alpha is fair game?” Nessa asks, placing another cherry between her teeth. I know what she’s doing, and I’m not going to fall for it.
“Go for it,” I laugh. “I couldn’t be less interested in Chase Walker.”
She chews the cherry slowly, leveling me with a stare that says she doesn’t believe me. I don’t budge an inch. I’d have to be a masochist to consider getting involved with Chase. From what I’ve seen and heard, his damage is too much for even me to handle. It’s a poison that seeps into everything and everyone he touches.
I’m actively trying to escape the poison that’s crept into my life.
A group of boisterous twenty-somethings enter the restaurant, bound for the bar, and I swivel to greet them. From the way the girls are hanging off of the guys, I’d guess they’re here on some sort of couples getaway. All of them order beers except for a prissy redhead who makes a big deal about only wanting top-shelf liquor, and I shuffle away to pour the drinks, Nessa stepping over to assist me.
I start filling a pint glass with beer from the tap while Nessa reaches to retrieve a bottle of Grey Goose from the shelf behind me. “So what time do you want to come over tomorrow to get ready?” she asks over her shoulder.
“For what?” I tip the beer glass to spill off some of the foam as it continues to fill.
“Seriously?” She spins around and sets the bottle on the bar, staring at me dubiously. “The party?”
“Oh yeah,” I chirp, sliding the now full glass onto the bar and reaching for another to fill. I turn to Nessa with a hard look. “I’m not going.”
Idon’tknowhowI let Nessa talk me into going to this party. I tried to get out of it no fewer than ten times, piling on excuse after excuse, but the girl wouldn’t take no for an answer. I’m buzzing with nervous energy as the two of us approach the Norbury packhouse, the low bass beat of the music inside thumping as we make our way up the front walk.
“There’s still time to turn back,” I murmur as we ascend the steps of the porch, wiping my clammy palms on the sides of my dress.
Nessa stops at the top of the steps, turning to me with an exaggerated gasp. “And waste these outfits?” She gestures between us, narrowing her eyes in determination. “No chance.”
Despite my reluctance to actually attend the party, I spared no effort in getting all glammed up for it. My long wavy hair is slicked back in a tight ponytail, my eyes are accented with smoky eyeshadow and dark liner, and my lips are painted bright red to match the tight bodycon dress I’m wearing. I topped off the look with a black cropped moto jacket and black suede over the knee boots, the heels of which add a few inches to my height, and despite the anxious energy rolling around in my gut right now, I feel sexy as hell in this outfit.
Nessa’s stunning, as always, putting off total ‘Bad Sandy’ from Grease vibes with her black off the shoulder top and dark jeans so tight that they look painted on. Her long hair is down, stick-straight and shiny, and she’s rocking the same smoky eye and red lip that I am tonight. She’s right- we look too good to turn back now. May as well at least go in for a drink.
I sigh, steeling my nerves as Nessa reaches for the door handle. Loud music floods my ears as the door swings open, revealing the interior of the crowded packhouse. This place felt so cold and empty the other day, but tonight, the energy inside is palpable. I take it all in as I follow Nessa over the threshold- the swarm of people scattered throughout the space, hands clinging to red plastic cups; the dim lighting that casts a seductive glow over the interior; the faint scent of alcohol, weed, and sweat lingering in the air.
A sound system is set up at the rear, the window behind it rattling as the bass beat continues to thump from the speakers. A group of girls are dancing in front of the it and rubbing up against one another in an effort to catch the attention of the boys clustered around the kegs by the patio doors. There’s a bar in the back corner of the room, liquor bottles crammed onto the surface haphazardly. I point it out to Nessa and she takes my hand, pulling me in that direction, weaving through the crowd.
That’s when I see him.
Chase is seated in the center of the large U-shaped sectional, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his thighs. He’s a brooding giant with the black hood of his sweatshirt slung over his head, the sleeves pushed up to the elbows to expose his corded forearms. A bottle of whiskey dangles from his fingers, halfway spent. A few of his friends are seated around him, one between two girls fighting for his attention, another with a girl pulled onto his lap. Cal, the beer stealer, is kicked back watching two girls dancing on top of a coffee table, a predatory look in his eye.
“Is that…?” Nessa hisses, leaning in toward me as we pass and following my line of sight.
Chase’s eyes snap up to mine and I freeze in my tracks, the movement causing Nessa to jerk back like a rubberband since I’m still clutching her hand.
He looks surprised to see me. He narrows his gaze, brows knitting together in confusion. The deep tenor of his voice cuts through the thump of the music and the chatter of the crowd. “What are you doing here?”
“I invited her.” Levi appears seemingly out of thin air, flashing me that winning smile as he strides in my direction. He hooks an arm around my waist, pulling me against his hard body and dropping his head down beside mine to brush his lips against my cheek. “Glad you made it.”
“Yeah,” I breathe, pushing back against his muscular chest, flustered by his proximity.
Levi takes the cue and steps back, gaze drifting lazily down my body. “Nice dress.”
My face flushes hot as his eyes continue assessing me. “Thanks. You remember my friend Nessa?” I tug her closer to my side.
His eyes flicker to Nessa, but only for an instant. Then they’re right back on mine. “Of course. Can I get you ladies a drink?”
“Sure,” Nessa answers for us both, smiling back at Levi as she drops my hand.