Page 11 of Alpha Chase
“I didn’t know you were working today,” she comments as she rounds the bar, shrugging off her jacket and stuffing it in a cubby underneath.
I glance over at her as I finish stacking a row of pint glasses. “I picked up an extra shift, remember?”
Nessa cocks out a hip, resting her hand upon it and giving me a stern look. “Girl, that’s the third time this week. You’re gonna work yourself to death.”
“Hardly,” I laugh. “My car needs new brakes.”
“Your car needs new everything,” she teases, sticking out her tongue.
I make a face back at her, picking up a bar towel and chucking it in her direction.
Nessa snatches it out of the air and drops it onto the lower counter of the bar beside her. “Has it been busy today?”
“Crazy,” I groan, leaning an elbow on the bar. “Finally slowed down about an hour ago. Perfect timing for your slacker ass to show up.” I wink, ducking out of the way as she picks up the bar towel and throws it back at me.
I don’t love working at the lodge, but I do love working with my best friend. Nessa and I grew up together, and as an only child, she’s the closest thing I’ve ever had to a sister. Some people thought we really were sisters when we were young because we looked similar- hell, even our names, Vienna and Vanessa, sound alike. As we got a little older, though, Nessa caught a growth spurt and sailed up to supermodel height, while I never grew past five foot two. She’s also crazy beautiful, the kind of beauty that just doesn’t seem fair for one person to possess. The kicker is that she seems to be the only one who doesn’t realize it.
“So have you heard anything else from Alpha Gray about the squad?” she asks, arching a perfectly shaped brow.
I give a little shake of my head. “Not yet. I hope he gets back to me soon, I’m going fucking crazy in that house. I’ve gotta get outta there.”
I generally keep my home life private, but since Nessa and I grew up together, she’s seen the shitshow play out firsthand. She’s the one person I don’t have to hide from- the one person who knows everything about me and loves me anyways.
“Your mom still dating that douchebag?” she grumbles, flipping open the container of garnishes on the bar and plucking out a cherry.
“Of course,” I grumble. “Creepy fucker.”
Nessa sighs, twirling the cherry in her fingers. “The offer still stands, y’know. You’re welcome to crash at my place for a while.” She waggles her eyebrows as she places the cherry between her teeth, tugging off the stem.
“You’re sweet, but there are already way too many people living under that roof,” I laugh. Nessa is one of seven children.Seven. There’s barely enough space in her house for the people that actually live there, let alone to take in strays. “Besides, I’m hoping for something more permanent. That room and board at the squad complex is prime.”
Nessa nods in understanding, tossing her cherry stem into the trash. I watch as her eyes flicker over my shoulder, brows shooting up in interest. “Oh damn, who isthat?”
I turn to look over my shoulder, surprised to see Levi walking into the restaurant, heading in our direction. I understand Nessa’s reaction- you’d have to be blind to not notice that Levi’s hot as fuck. I don’t know if it’s the thick dark hair that always looks a little messy, or those bright green eyes, or that charming smile of his, but I can’t deny that there’s just something about the guy. He’s tall, built, and carries himself with almost the same cocky swagger Chase has, grinning as he approaches and flashing two rows of straight white teeth.
That smile of his is dangerous- without meaning to, my body just reacts, face heating, pulse racing.Did Chase send him here to torture me some more?By the time he makes it up to the bar, my heart is thumping in my chest at a chaotic rhythm.
“Hey Vienna,” Levi greets, leaning his sculpted, muscular forearms on the edge of the bar. “How’s it going?”
“Fine,” I reply, trying to appear nonchalant as I step over to him. “If you’re here to hassle me again, I’ve gotta warn you, I’ve got backup.” I flicker my eyes to Nessa to indicate, folding my arms across my chest.
Levi chuckles, smoothing his hair back with a hand. “Now why would I do that?” There’s a mischievous glint in his moss green eyes, which he keeps intently trained on mine.
“Good question. Though you didn’t seem to need a reason yesterday.” I arch a brow in challenge.
“C’mon now, don’t lump me in with those guys,” he drawls, still grinning. “Inever hassled you.”
To be fair, I suppose it was Chase that did most of the harassing. And Cal. Levi was nice to me, and the other three didn’t say much.
I’m not about to let him off that easily, though. I shrug, fighting the way my lips want to curve into a smile in response to his own. “Guilty by association.”
“Story of my life,” Levi winks.
I can’t help but blush, looking away as if that’ll hide it from him. I’m not looking to get involved with anyone right now- least of all Chase or one of his friends- but I’m flirty by nature and a sucker for smooth-talking charmers like Levi. A little harmless flirting never hurt anybody, right?
“What can I do for you, Levi?” I swing my gaze back to meet his, eyes narrowing. “And don’t say shots, because you already know my answer.”
He chuckles again, shaking his head. “Nah, no shots. I came to see if you wanted to come to a party tomorrow night.”