Page 70 of Alpha Reid
“What about the numbers?” one of Cole’s advisors inquires. “Has anyone run them? How many do they have in comparison to us this time?”
“Are we talking front lines?” Quinn asks. Due to her position with IT, it makes sense that she’d be keeping tabs on this kind of intel. “We estimate that they outnumber us at least three to one out front, but we’re better trained. Any one of our soldiers can take down three of theirs, the main obstacle with that is gonna be stamina, which is why we’ve upped our endurance training the past few weeks.”
“Beyond the front lines, probably two to one,” Jax adds, slipping an arm over Quinn’s shoulders. “We have volunteer fighters from every pack to protect the towns and keep the civilians safe.”
Cole nods again, clearly satisfied with the answers provided. “Just let us know where you want us for the next few days.”
“Make yourselves at home as far as joining us for training,” Gray says, gesturing toward the complex. “And we’ve got space here in the barracks for your fighters.”
“But you’ll be staying with me, big bro,” Astrid smiles, looking up at her brother lovingly. I finally see a smile grace Cole’s lips as he gazes back down at her. Those two must be close.
“We’ve got space in our packhouse for your advisors and lead warriors, too,” Brock adds. “Though we’re less centralized here than you all are in Denver, so we’ll conduct our daily strategy sessions here at the complex.”
Gray looks around to the squad fighters and Denver warriors scattered around the practice field, then back to Cole. “You guys wanna jump right into training? I think the troops are getting a little restless…”
“For sure,” Cole says, giving a curt nod.
Our little gathering breaks up, everyone going their separate ways, and Reid steers me over to a grouping of squad members on the far side of the field that I’m assuming is our assigned team for battle.
“This just got really real,” I murmur as we make our way over, the heaviness of the situation settling on my shoulders.
“We’ve got this,” Reid says confidently, slipping an arm around my shoulders. How the hell can he be so sure? I know we’ve got a solid plan, but I don’t like that three to one ratio when it comes to numbers.
Maybe he’s so confident because he has no choice but to be. I mean, what’s the other option? We can’t lose. If we do, it’s all gone. The six-pack. Reid. Olivia. My pack.
I look up at Reid, setting my jaw and giving him an assured nod. “You’re right,” I say, tucking in tighter to his side and mustering my own courage and confidence to match his. After all, I’m basically marching into battle with a superhero here. He grins down at me and I grin right back. “Let’s get these fuckers.”
Now that our Denver allies are here, it’s like someone pressed the fast-forward button. Time is moving way too fast; every minute that passes, we’re marching closer and closer to war. Most of the time, I like being a leader. I’m good at it. In war time, though, it’s the toughest position to be in. I’m constantly second-guessing every choice, every decision. When lives hang in the balance, every angle has to be examined. Even one life lost is too great a cost.
Casualties are a cruel inevitability of war. No matter how meticulously we plan our battle strategy, it’s simply impossible to protect everyone. Soldiers will fall, and with each one, a little part of me will die, too. The bonds in our squad and our packs run deep. Each individual loss is crippling to the whole.
There are so many frustrating ‘unknowns’ when it comes to developing battle strategy, all of which have to be accounted for. We know that we want to try to contain the fight to the border lands, but there’s a possibility that some of the shadow pack makes it further into the territory, to our towns. Mine is the closest to the anticipated point of entry, so it’s particularly nerve racking to consider that possibility. I have to make sure they’re prepared and protected.
That’s why I called them over this morning- not the whole pack, but the group of volunteers who have stepped up to defend the town and the civilians, should the shadow pack make it this far in. While I’m on the front lines with the squad fighters, my beta Cy will be leading the volunteer fighters here. With any luck, none of them will see combat, but in the event they do, they need to be ready. As their Alpha, it’s my job to make sure they are.
Even though I know I’ll only have to change my clothes again in an hour, I throw on a button-up and a pair of slacks in preparation to meet with my pack. It’s just something I’ve always done; I try to look polished and professional when handling pack business. It started with a suggestion from my dad when I first took his place as Alpha- looking like I had it all together made me feel like I did, too; instilled added confidence in my new role when I was still getting my feet wet. And now? Old habits die hard, I guess.
I stop by Serena’s room on my way downstairs, posting up in her doorway and watching her as she bends to tie her gym shoes. She always has a way of making athletic wear look like high fashion, and today’s no exception- her black leggings and fitted zip-up jacket hug those delicious curves of hers and her hair is plaited into two neat braids. Theo’s ‘handlebars’ joke comes to mind again and I crack a smile.
Serena bends up from tying her shoes, glancing over her shoulder to where I’m standing in the doorway. She narrows her eyes suspiciously, pursing her lips. “What?” she asks, looking toward the large mirror on the wall to check her reflection- as if anything would be wrong with her appearance.
I chuckle, shaking my head. “Nothing. Just looking at you.”
She rolls her eyes like she always does when I say that, but secretly I think she likes it because it always makes her blush. A rosy pink colors her cheeks as she advances toward me, grinning. Then she suddenly stops, taking in my attire, her brows drawing together in confusion.
“Aren’t we going to the complex to train?”
I take a few steps into the room, meeting her halfway. “I’m meeting with some of my pack this morning, remember?” I ask as I circle her waist with an arm and draw her in. “The volunteers to defend Stillwater.”
We’ve quickly become so physically comfortable with one another; it feels natural to grab her and hold her and be close to her like this. Not only that, but I’m constantly craving the proximity.
“Right,” Serena breathes, placing a hand on my chest. “I forgot about that.”
I cup her face in a hand, tilting it up toward mine and stroking her cheek with my thumb. “You mind filling in for me as team lead up at the complex until I can get there? Brock and Astrid said they’d give you a lift.”