Page 60 of Alpha Reid
“So?” I ask, folding my arms across my chest. “Are they throwing me out?”
Reid cracks that smile again and my knees go weak.
“As if I’d let them.” He moves closer to me, slipping an arm around my waist. Our bodies are dangerously close and I’m suddenly struggling to think straight.
“Can we sit?” Reid asks, blue eyes sparkling. My eyes slide to his lips as he purses them before he continues. “We need to talk about how to handle your contact with the shadow pack going forward.”
Well that’s one way for reality to come crashing back in- his words have the affect of a bucket of ice water being thrown over me. My body goes rigid. “What about it?”
Reid sighs, raking a hand through his hair. “I hate to even ask this…”
“Just ask,” I blurt, my anxiety ratcheting up with each passing second.
He pauses, like he’s trying to find the words. “Would you be willing to call, keep up the pretense that you’re working for them? Buy us a little time so we can strategize on what to do next.”
I don’t even have to think about my response. “Of course,” I reply, almost compulsorily. “I figured we’d have to do that anyways, to keep Olivia and the pack out of harm’s way.”
“Exactly,” Reid nods.
I take a step sideways in the direction of his office. “Should we do it now?”
“Whoa, little wolf,” he chuckles, holding up a palm. “You sure you’re ready?”
I give a quick nod. “What do you want me to say?”
Reid sucks in a breath, scratching his head. “Just… relay what happened with the virus. Say that it didn’t work, but that you’ll try again soon when you get an opening.”
“Got it.”
I start toward the office, but Reid darts out a hand, wrapping it around my wrist and pulling me back.
“What?” I ask, turning back to him and meeting his intense stare.
He steps in closer, bringing a hand up to cup my face. “You sure you’re okay with this? That you’re ready to talk to them?”
I heave a sigh. “Please don’t handle me with kid gloves, Reid…”
He holds up his hands in surrender. “Fine, I get it. I’m sorry.” He reaches out to take one of my hands in his. “I just don’t want you to feel pressured. So let me know if something makes you uncomfortable, okay?”
I nod, swallowing past the lump that’s forming in my throat. This guy really is fucking perfect. I don’t deserve him.
He gives my hand a little squeeze, not letting it go as he leads the way toward his office. Once inside, he closes the door behind me and I go straight for the phone, wanting to just get this over with as quickly as possible. I pick it up off of the receiver, holding it in my hand. I stare down at the numbers on the keypad as the phone number runs through my head.
I couldn’t forget it even if I wanted to. The torture method they employed to get me to memorize the number involved a cattle prod- if I flubbed a digit, I’d get hit with the prod, the excruciating burn of electricity searing through my body. I guess it worked- I’ll never forget the number.
As I stare down at the phone, I feel Reid come up behind me, slipping his arms around my waist and pulling my back to his front. He tucks his chin over my shoulder and just holds me, not saying a word but showing me that he’s here to support me nonetheless. I hit the button to turn the phone on and dial.
It rings twice, and then I hear his voice. The monster from my nightmares, the one with the dead eyes. His voice is rough, like he’s swallowed rusty nails. Those eyes and that voice- two more things I’ll never be able to forget.
“It’s me,” I say, my voice coming out shakier than I intend it to.
“Did you do it?” his voice slithers through the receiver and into my ear.
I bite my lip hard, focusing so that my voice is steady and sure when I speak again. “Yes, but it didn’t work. It hit the wrong server.”
“Were you made?”