Page 20 of Alpha Reid
“Throwing her to the wolves already, Reid?” the guy with the wavy blonde hair jokes once we’re within earshot.
Reid leans in toward me, slipping an arm around my shoulders. “Don’t listen to Jax,” he murmurs teasingly. “He’s just salty that so many of these females can kick his ass.”
“I heard that,” Jax calls, shooting Reid a glare. He slides his gaze over to me. “For the record, Serena, that’s not true.”
“Sure it isn’t,” the Jason Momoa lookalike chuckles, tucking Astrid under his arm.
The tall one-Theo, I think? -turns his attention to Reid, his mouth set in a frown. “Hey Reid, did you hear what our girls have planned for tonight?”
‘Our girls’. Something about the way that sounds makes my heart squeeze.
“No?” Reid replies slowly, looking down at me and raising a brow in question.
“Theo, don’t be a douche,” Quinn scolds, rolling her eyes. I recall Reid mentioning that the sister of one of the alphas was mated to another, and seeing Quinn beside Theo, the pieces to the puzzle click together, the family resemblance apparent.
“I’m not!” he fires back, furrowing his brow. “I’m just wondering how he feels about it, that’s all.”
“Did I miss something?” Jax asks, glancing between Theo and Quinn suspiciously.
“What’s Theo getting his panties in a bunch about now?” Fallon asks as she approaches with Gray. “Wait, let me guess,” she gasps, holding up her hands for dramatic effect. “Our girls’ night?”
Theo makes a face at Fallon and I nearly laugh out loud. From the way their dynamic seems, I’ll bet those two butt heads fairly often- which is even funnier considering that his mate is Fallon’s twin sister, if I’m remembering correctly.
“Girls’ night?” Gray questions, turning to Fallon with a brow arched.
“It’s ladies’ night at the Stillwater Tap,” Quinn supplies, heaving a sigh. “Theo’s blowing things out of proportion, we’re just taking Serena out.”
Jax whips his head around to stare at his mate, eyes wide. “The fuck you are!”
Quinn throws her head back, groaning in exasperation. “Oh what the hell, not you, too…”
“I’ve seen how dudes prowl around that place on ladies’ night,” Jax scowls.
“Yeah, you were one of them,” Theo mutters, shooting daggers at Jax through his eyes.
“Don’t you guys trust us?” Astrid asks, throwing in her two cents.
Brock frowns, looking down at his mate and pulling her in closer. “Of course we do,” he grumbles. “We just don’t trust a bunch of drunk dickwads to keep their paws off of you.”
“Exactly,” Jax snaps, turning back to Quinn. “If you girls wanna go out, that’s fine with me, baby. But we’re coming with you.”
She rolls her eyes. “I think you’re missing the whole point ofgirls’ night out.”
“Reid, help me out here,” Jax groans, scrubbing a hand over his face.
Reid glances down at me. “I mean…” he starts, tilting his head and searching my face for a reaction. When I have none, he looks back to his friends. “Will it really throw off your whole night if we join you ladies?”
Jax points a finger in Reid’s direction. “Exactly.”
“Ugh, whatever!” Quinn sighs exasperatedly, throwing up her hands in defeat. “If you guys can’t handle one night apart from us, then Iguessyou can tag along. As long as Serena’s alright with it.”
My eyes go wide as I’m put on the spot, everyone suddenly looking my way. “Who, me?” I stutter. “Yeah, of course.”
Jax grins triumphantly, wrapping an arm around Quinn and pulling her in as she resists, feigning annoyance. It lasts for a whole thirty seconds until she’s giggling, letting him plant kisses all over her face.
“Are we gonna start this workout or what?” Theo grumbles, deliberately knocking into Jax with a shoulder as he passes by him to join Gray.
“We’d better,” Gray agrees.