Page 106 of Alpha Reid
“Jenna? I’m glad those two hit it off. It’s nice for her to have a friend her own age.”
I pull a bottle out of the rack, holding it toward Serena so she can see the label and arching a brow in question. She nods in agreement with my choice, so I fish the corkscrew out of a drawer and start working on opening it. “Definitely,” I murmur as I twist the corkscrew. “Here’s hoping she doesn’t crash my car.”
Serena’s jaw drops in disbelief. “Wait, what? You let her take the Mustang?!”
I shrug a shoulder. “Sure, why not?”
“I thought that car was like, your favorite thing,” she chuckles, shaking her head.
“You’re my favorite thing,” I wink.
A blush forms on her cheeks and she steps closer to me, looping her arms around my neck. “You’re so smooth sometimes, Reid Raines…”
I arch a brow teasingly. “Sometimes?”
Serena giggles, lifting up on her toes to brush her lips against mine.
I hear the sound of cute baby babble, glancing past Serena to see Cy and Taylor emerge from the hallway of their wing of the packhouse, Taylor clutching their daughter Sadie in her arms. Serena lights up when she sees little Sadie, slipping past me and rushing over to meet them halfway.
“Come here!” she gushes, reaching out and plucking Sadie from Taylor’s arms. Sadie giggles as Serena lifts her high up in the air, then settles her on a hip, bouncing her. “I can’t believe how big she’s getting,” Serena comments, gazing down at Sadie with a smile.
“Me neither,” Taylor sighs, watching Serena with her daughter. “Before we know it she’ll be a teenager.”
“Ugh, we don’t need more than one moody teenager around here just yet,” Serena says, rolling her eyes. Then she raises the pitch of her voice, tickling Sadie’s belly. “Do we, sweet girl?”
“You’re bad,” Taylor chuckles, shaking her head. She glances around, searching for the teenager in question. “Where is Liv, anyways?”
“With Jenna,” Serena answers, still looking down at Sadie and making faces at the child to get her to smile.
“I like that girl, I think she’ll be a good influence,” Taylor says, making her way into the kitchen. “Better than Chase and his friends.” She glances back at Serena over her shoulder. “No offense.”
“None taken,” Serena shrugs, following Taylor into the kitchen and retaking her spot beside me. “The guy’s a piece of work right now. He’ll come around eventually.” She looks down at Sadie again, giving her a little tickle. “Won’t he?”
Sadie giggles loudly in response and Taylor smiles. “You’re so good with her, Serena,” she comments, sliding me a glance.
I smirk back at her. “Don’t give me that look.”
“What?!” Taylor asks, pressing a hand to her chest and feigning innocence. “I’m just saying!”
“Aw, Reid’s just playing tough,” Serena chuckles, gazing up at me as she starts bouncing Sadie on her hip again. “He knows I want a whole bunch of babies someday.”
I do, and I can’t wait to give them to her. Not until she’s ready, though.
“Nothing would make me prouder than you carrying and raising my pups.” I say, staring down at my mate adoringly. I slide behind Serena and pull her in, wrapping my arms around her waist and splaying a hand out on her stomach. Just the thought of her belly swollen with my pup inside almost makes me choke up. Serena is an amazing friend, sister, mate, lover… I can’t wait to see her as a mother. “Someday,” I add as she melts backwards into me.
“Ugh, you guys are so nauseatingly cute,” Taylor mutters, rolling her eyes teasingly.
Sadie suddenly starts fussing, balling her little hands into fists and wriggling around, and Cy is quick to come in with the save. He takes her from Serena, holding Sadie tight to his chest and swaying back and forth. It works like a charm- the kid is quiet again in seconds.
“Enjoy the time before the babies, dude,” Cy warns as he sways with Sadie. “Because once they come, shit changes.”
“Hey!” Taylor scolds, swatting Cy’s arm with the back of a hand.
“Ow!” Cy laughs and flinches back exaggeratedly. “I never said it was bad change! Just different. But it’s the best thing I’ve ever done, hands down.”
Serena and I exchange a glance.Someday.
“Alright, are we gonna dig into this pizza or what?” Taylor asks, eyeing the boxes on the counter.