Page 1 of Alpha Reid
The shrill howl of a wolf echoes through the forest, followed by another. Tonight, the woods are crawling with wolves out running together under the light of the full moon. They’re running wild, free, answering the call of their most basic instinct at this stage in the lunar cycle, when the moon’s energy is at its peak. For many, it’s a time for cathartic release, to let go of the past and move into a new phase.
Just a few minutes ago, I was out there running with them. As my pack’s Alpha, it’s my duty to lead the run every full moon- it’s a ritual that promotes pack bonding and solidarity. Us wolf shifters are always looking forward to the full moon run, but anticipation was particularly high for tonight’s run because it wasn’t just with our own pack; we joined in with the other five packs of wolf shifters that we’re aligned with for the run. The full moon run felt so different tonight, so full of promise and possibility. Until it wasn’t. As the run was nearing its end, I decided to cut back ahead of the others, seeking a few moments of solitude before everyone else returned.
Typically, my pack would begin and end the run at our own packhouse, but for the combined all-pack run tonight, we gathered at the packhouse in the town of Summervale, home to the original pack in this area and the largest pack in our alliance. The ‘six-pack’; that’s what we call ourselves when referring to our alliance. The name is corny as hell- it started out as a joke since the alliance is comprised of six separate packs of wolf shifters, but somewhere down the line, it stuck. At this point, we’ve all been together for over half a decade, so there’s no changing it; the name is as good as official.
The six shifter packs in our alliance originally came together in response to a threat from a shifter pack out west- one led by a crazy ass Alpha who started on a spree of hostile takeovers of surrounding packs. All these years later, Alpha Xavier and his shadow pack still haven’t been stopped. About a month ago, the six-pack came face to face with them for the first time while aiding a large shifter pack in Denver that we’d been brokering an alliance with. I’d like to say we were able to take them out at that point, but no such luck- instead, Alpha Xavier now knows about the six-pack, and we’re being targeted next. Over the past month, we’ve been doing all we can to prepare for the war to come.
“Well?” I hear someone ask, and I glance toward the treeline as I’m buttoning my pants to see my buddies Gray and Theo approaching. So much for my five minutes of solitude.
Gray is Alpha of his own pack, too- he was forced into the role right around the same time I was. His pack stumbled upon mine years ago while they were on the run from the shadow pack. We quickly aligned and, hearing firsthand from Gray and his pack how lethal an attack from the shadow pack was, began to search for even more packs to align with. Strength in numbers, right? After brokering alliances with four other packs, we all moved into adjoining territories in Colorado and the six-pack was born.
Along with the formation of the alliance came the formation of my four closest friendships- with Gray, Theo, Jax, and Brock. The five of us are all in our twenties, close in age and either the current or future Alphas of our packs. With so much in common, we were bound to be close, and working together to form and run the six-pack’s security squad has brought us even closer over the years. Now, we’re practically brothers. While we only account for five of the six packs, there’s a sixth future Alpha, Chase, that we’ll be bringing into the fold soon enough. The plan was to bring him in when he finished high school this spring, but with the shadow pack war looming, he’s already been up at the squad complex in training.
I respond with a little shake of my head as Gray and Theo draw closer, watching as the two of them exchange glances. It’s no secret that my friends were hoping I’d find my fated mate under the full moon tonight, since they’ve all managed to find theirs over the past six months. I think they just assumed I’d find her, since we brought all of our packs together to run, but it turns out that tonight was just another full moon and another disappointment.
Of course I want to find my mate- I’ve wanted to find her ever since I took over as Alpha at the age of twenty. I want my other half, my Luna. Someone to share the responsibilities with and lighten the load. Don’t get me wrong, my Beta is fantastic at what he does, but at the end of the day, I’m his superior. I don’t want a subordinate; I want a partner. Someone to stand beside me, not behind me.
As a shifter, I’ve got a fated mate out there somewhere; the one person whom fate has hand-selected as my perfect match and soulmate. The trouble is, I can’t seem to find her. The fated bond only reveals itself under the full moon when the two wolves are within physical proximity of one another, and though I’ve sniffed around the she-wolves in my pack during every moon run since I turned eighteen and came of age to find my fated mate, I’ve yet to stumble uponthe one.
I thought that may change tonight since all six packs ran together under the full moon, thus expanding the pool of candidates considerably. I even thought I smelled something different at one point, only for the scent to fade along with my optimism. Despite the fact that I ran with hundreds of she-wolves tonight, I still can’t seem to find my fated mate- and I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll ever find her. Not everyone is lucky enough to find their fated mate in their lifetime.
My pack has been pushing me to mate for years. They want a Luna, and I can’t say I blame them. While I tend to think I’m an excellent Alpha, the Luna of a pack fulfills needs that I simply can’t on my own. The Luna is the compassionate side of pack leadership; the softer, more maternal figure. She provides a different kind of counsel to pack members and helps balance things out. While my mother is still technically the Luna of our pack, she hasn’t been able to fulfill those duties for a long time- not since the accident that resulted in my father stepping down as Alpha to take care of her and installing me in his place as the leader of our pack.
Among other things, my Luna would also (hopefully) provide an heir at some point. I’m an only child, so if something were to happen to me, my family line would die out. The other wolves in my pack would then have to challenge one another to fill the spot of Alpha. Not that it hasn’t been done before, but when something like that happens, it’s messy, and it often results in infighting and division within the pack. Thus, the push for me to find a Luna. If only it were that easy.
I bypass Theo and Gray with their looks of sympathy, making a beeline for one of the large coolers spread out on the packhouse lawn. After a full moon run, the pack typically gathers to socialize, and tonight is no exception. With all six packs here together, it’s going to be a huge post-run gathering. Given how many newly mated pairs likely resulted from the all-pack run tonight, there will be no shortage of reasons to celebrate.
I reach down to flip open the top of the cooler, dipping my hand into the ice to retrieve a beer. I’m not a huge drinker, but if there’s an appropriate time to get a little drunk, it’s now. I flick a glance back toward the guys as I twist the cap off to see that Brock and Jax have joined them, and as I bring the bottle to my lips, Jax starts to head my way.
Fucking great.
I take a long swig from the bottle as he approaches me, swallowing it down as my gaze slides over to meet his. Jax’s sympathetic stare matches what I just saw on Gray and Theo’s faces, and while I know he means well, it grinds my gears to be the object of his pity.
“Would you stop looking at me like that?” I sigh, rolling my eyes.
Jax blows out a breath, smoothing his blonde hair back with a palm. “I just don’t even know what to say, man. I really thought you’d find her tonight. It doesn’t seem fair.” He moves beside me to reach down into the cooler for a beer of his own, popping the top.
“Since when is fate fair?” I grumble, taking another pull of beer from the bottle. Jax frowns, and I quickly mask my agitation, clapping him on the shoulder. “It’s fine, bro. I’ll find her when it’s right. Besides, we’ve got bigger shit to deal with right now than my love life, so let’s just focus on that, huh?”
I say the words so convincingly that I almost believe them myself. Jax nods, and I clink my beer with his before bringing it to my lips again. I finish the rest in three swallows and toss the empty bottle into a nearby trash can before looking to the other alphas, awaiting my cue to join them. Now that people are filtering back from the run, the pack alphas will be expected to announce and celebrate the happy new mated pairs that were formed under the full moon tonight. Despite my own disappointment following tonight’s run, I’ll compartmentalize my feelings so I can do my fucking job, like I always do.
I was born to lead my pack as its alpha, and I’m damn good at it. I’ve had the gig for six years at this point, and I run my pack like a finely tuned machine. The role of Alpha may have been thrust upon me before I was fully prepared for it, but my dad was still around to help guide me as I took the mantle. One of the most fundamental lessons he instilled from the start was the importance of masking my emotions. He’d always say, ‘you can’t control what happens to you in life, but you can control how you react to it.’ He taught me the importance of keeping my cool, of playing my cards close to my chest. He always said the mark of a great Alpha is the ability to think first and react second, to handle conflict with neutrality and detachment. That’s what I’ve always done- even when the conflict is within myself.
I may feel shitty tonight, but I don’t let on when it comes to my pack. I grin and bear it, celebrating the new mated pairs with enthusiasm. Once all of the pack alphas have delivered the proper acknowledgements, everyone breaks off to socialize, the food plentiful and the drinks flowing. Theo breaks out a bottle of whiskey, and though I typically stay away from the hard stuff, I indulge in a few pulls from the bottle. It helps take the edge off; to dull the disappointment and emptiness I’m feeling after the colossal let-down that was tonight’s run.
The twins wander over to join their mates- have I mentioned that Gray and Theo are mated to a pair of identical twin sisters? Gray with Fallon, and Theo with Brooke. Theo’s sister Quinn is actually mated to Jax, and if this is all starting to sound a bit incestuous, it’s because it is. Our alliance is beginning to form more and more blood connections through mate bonds, ensuring that we stay aligned into the future. Brock’s the only outlier, but his mate Astrid is actually the sister of the Denver pack’s Alpha- our newest ally. So once again, mate bonds and blood bonds. Yet another reason why I got my hopes up that my mate was waiting for me somewhere within the six-pack.
Speaking of blood, I’m posted up with the guys and their mates when a beautiful blonde approaches our group, and as I give her a once-over I quickly realize that there’s something strikingly familiar about her. It clicks when she steps up beside Jax and I recognize the family resemblance. I know he’s got a few sisters- this girl is clearly one of them.
She mumbles something to Jax, then looks around, her bright blue eyes settling on me. As they do, a mischievous little smirk tugs at the corners of her lips before they part to speak. “Jaxy, aren’t you gonna introduce me to your friend?”
Theo’s brow cocks up as he swings his gaze to me, mouthing ‘Jaxy’ and snickering.
Jax’s wolf flashes silver in his eyes and he looks like he’s about to protest, so I go ahead and jump in, flashing the girl a smile and extending my hand. “Hey there. I’m Reid.”