Page 42 of Alpha Brock
Yup, he just called me ‘Anna’. And from the things I’ve heard about his past and the vision I caught from him last week, I’ve already put two and two together as to who Anna is.the ex.
My mouth drops open, but no sound comes out. I’m truly at a loss for words.
“Shit! I didn’t…” Brock grumbles, shaking his head and scrubbing a hand over his face. “I meant…”
He’s completely panicking. Thanks to my intuitive abilities, I can feel his panic register as if it’s my own, prickling my skin like icy shards.
While I haven’t yet processed my own reaction, my immediate response to his panic is to calm it. I reach out, pressing my palm to his chest as I look up into his eyes. “I know.”
He clamps his mouth shut, swallowing hard. Staring down at me with those forest green eyes full of apology. This is one of those times that my intuition is truly a gift; I know it was an honest mistake, so I won’t make him suffer for it. That’s just not me. I’m not wounded by the fact that he called me by his ex’s name- he’s known me for all of what, a week and a half? If anything, it’s a testament to him letting his guard down around me. Good thing, too, because if the little glimpse of a vision I got from him last night is true, he’s going to have to let me in.
I pat his chest with my hand and offer him a reassuring smile. Then I spin around to pull open the silverware drawer, grabbing a couple of forks out and handing him one. Brock stares at me dubiously, like he’s waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I just dig into my quiche, my eyes sliding closed as soon as it hits my tongue.
“Mmm, this is so good,” I groan, shoveling another forkful into my mouth.
He digs into his own and the two of us eat in silence as Jared and Brent not so subtly watch us, waiting to see if some sort of drama is going to play out. I think they’re almost disappointed when it doesn’t and we drop our plates in the sink and head out, climbing into the Escalade to ride to the complex together. On our way, I consider circling back to his faux pas in the kitchen, but I decide to leave it alone for now. He looks guilty enough, and I’m not going to risk those walls slamming back up.
Everyone has a past- I’ll let him tell me about his when he’s ready. Right now, I’m more concerned about the glimpse I got into our future.
That afternoon at IT, Brooke and Quinn tell me they’re going out to the bar in Goldenleaf that evening and convince me that I need to come, too. Apparently it’s like a rite of passage for squad members, and since I’ve been here a little over a week now, I guess I’ve got enough of an ‘in’ to be invited. I mention it to Brock after I get back to the packhouse, and he’s quick to offer to take me.
I get dressed to the nines in a slinky black dress and heels, then relish in the way Brock can’t take his eyes off of me as we depart the packhouse and make the drive to Goldenleaf. Despite his dominant nature, when he looks at me like that, it makes me feel so powerful- like I’m the one holding all the cards. Like I could call the shots and he’d do my bidding just to get a taste.
We walk into the bar together and Brock leads me back to a table in the corner where the other squad leaders are already seated. Quinn is perched on Jax’s lap and greets me warmly as Brock pulls over a stool for me, and I don’t miss how he puts me beside Jax and Quinn, positioning himself between me and Reid. He must still be salty about my remark the other day.
I probably shouldn’t have poked the bear, though I can’t say I regret how it turned out. Just thinking of him pinning me up against the side of the Escalade and kissing the hell out of me has my core throbbing. I’ve always thought that jealousy was a silly emotion, but Brock makes it look sexy as fuck. When he’s acting all growly and possessive…mmm.
“What are you thinking about?” Brock asks, leaning toward me and dropping his voice low. I feel his fingertips trace up the side of my thigh under the table, making me shiver.
“Hm?” I lean into his touch.
“Whatever it is, stop,” he whispers, so quietly that only I can hear him. “I can smell you from here.”
I press my thighs together, my face heating in a flush.
Brock withdraws his touch, sitting back and looking over at me with the hint of a smirk on his lips.Smug bastard.
“You want something to drink, sweetie?” a waitress with pink streaks in her hair asks me from the other side of the table, balancing a tray full of empty glasses and bottles on an arm.
I sit up straighter, tucking my hair behind my ears and trying to regain my composure. “Uh, yes, please. Gin and tonic?”
“Sure thing,” she winks, sliding her gaze to Brock beside me. “What about you, handsome? The usual?”
Brock nods. “Thanks, Kelly.”
She flashes him a bright smile, spinning around and weaving through the crowd toward the bar.
Quinn nudges me with her elbow to get my attention. “Astrid, tell me you’re gonna dance with me tonight.”
I turn to her, giggling at the pleading look in her eyes. “Of course!” I exclaim. As if I need a reason to dance- once I have a couple of drinks in me, it’s an inevitability.
Brock’s hand returns to my thigh under the table, giving it a little squeeze.Is that a warning?He wasn’t thrilled with my dancing the last time we went out, but I won’t sit out on the fun just because mister growly pants can’t contain his jealousy. His hand slides farther up my thigh and I try not to squirm as my face gets hot again.
“So how are things going with getting your pack members brought in and placed?” Gray asks me from his seat across the table.
“Good,” I smile, reaching down to brush Brock’s distracting hand off of my thigh. “By this time next week, everyone will be here and settled.”