Page 98 of Alpha Jax
“Nah,” Logan sighs.
I turn back to him, expression sympathetic. “Damn. I’m sorry.”
He just shrugs. “It is what it is. My mate could still be out there somewhere, right?”
“Totally,” I agree. I reach out to set my hand on his shoulder and give it a reassuring squeeze. “She doesn’t even know yet how lucky she is.”
Logan rolls his eyes and pulls me in for a one-armed hug, right as a whistle rings out to get everyone’s attention.
That little bubble of happiness I was trying to reside in for a while longer? The whistle just popped it. Dread curls in my belly as I move to stand beside Logan, peering in the direction it came from. All five squad leaders are lined up- Gray, Theo, Jax, Brock, and Reid- and they’ve all got stoic expressions etched on their faces as they look out at the crowd gathered on the practice field.
I already know the news they’re about to deliver but knowing does little to soften the blow. Big changes are about to happen around here, changes that we’re all powerless to stop. Most of us will be leaving the familiarity of the six-pack territory to go to Denver within the next few weeks. To stand with Denver, stand up to the shadow pack. We can only hope it’ll all be worth it in the end.
“You’re probably wondering why we called you all together this morning,” Gray begins, his voice loud and commanding. Good thing he’s a decent speaker- as the head of the squad, he’s sure been making a lot of speeches lately. “There’s no point in sugar-coating this, so I’m just gonna get right to it. We have confirmation that the shadow pack is moving to attack the Denver pack within the next few weeks, and Denver has asked for our aid.”
A collective shudder rolls through the crowd as a chorus of whispers and low murmurs rises up all around me, the ominous dull roar causing the little hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end. Just as quickly as it starts, though, it quiets as Gray holds up a hand.
“This is what you’ve trained for,” he continues. “You signed up for the squad to fight. And while this fight may be for Denver, it indirectly affects us because after them, we’re next. If we can join Denver and squash the threat, our territory will benefit.”
More whispers and murmurs. I look around, trying to gauge the reaction on people’s faces. Fear, doubt, determination, bravery- it’s all there. Above all, I think everyone’s just trying to process the news that their lives are being upended. It’s one thing to train for a theoretical attack, it’s quite another to actually go to battle.
Gray clears his throat, and the dull roar of the crowd dies down again. “Because this fight isn’t on our home turf, I won’t force you to join it.” He looks around at the other alphas on either side of him. “All of us have decided to fight beside Denver. It’s up to each of you whether you want to come with us.”
The tenor of the crowd suddenly shifts- it feels like a wave of excitement ripples through it. Someone yells “I’m with you!” and steps forward, and that one action has a domino effect. All around me, I hear people calling out, agreeing to join the fight. I see them throw up their hands and step forward. Beside me, Logan shouts “I’m with you”, stepping forward.
It’s an incredible moment, really. There’s this overwhelming feeling of solidarity as one after one, squad members call out and take a step. It’s a testament to how much they all care about their pack and territory, to why they’ve dedicated their lives to defending it. To how much they respect the squad leaders, proven by their willingness to follow them into battle. I look around and take it all in because it’s really something to see.
There’s no question in my mind as to what my choice is. My feet move to take a step forward. I feel the weight of a stare and before I even look his way, I know it’s my mate. I lift my gaze to meet his, feeling the tug of the bond between us as soon as my eyes connect with the pale blue of Jax’s. “I’m with you,” I say as I stare at into his eyes, then mouth the word ‘always’.
I see the briefest flicker of a smile cross his face before he steadies his expression again. The crowd starts to die down, and I’m fairly certain that every full-time squad member has stepped forward to volunteer. Jax clears his throat to speak, capturing the crowd’s attention.
“If you’d rather sit this one out, please come to one of us privately and let us know. Rest assured that nothing will be held against you, this is strictly voluntary.” He folds his arms over his chest, his stance broad and dominating. Not gonna lie, the way he commands a crowd has me a little weak in the knees.
“For those going to Denver, we’ll issue instructions this week so we can coordinate timing and transportation,” Jax continues. “As for the reserve squad, you also have an important role to play in protecting the six-pack territory while the rest of us are gone. You’ll receive instruction this week as well.”
I look around to see some people nodding in affirmation, including Kyla. I imagine it’ll be difficult for her to stay here and serve on the reserve squad while her new mate goes to Denver to fight.
“Alright, that’s all we’ve got for you,” Gray barks, clapping his hands together. “We’re going to combine the afternoon training session today, so whether you’re on the regular squad or reserve squad, meet out here on the field at one.”
The volume of the crowd increases as Gray dismisses everyone and they start to disperse. I give my friends a little wave, telling them I’ll catch up with them later, then make a beeline through the throngs of people for my mate. He and the other alphas have circled up and his back is to me, but he must feel me approach because as soon as I slip my arms around his waist from behind, he captures my wrists, twisting around to face me with a big grin.
“Trying to sneak up on me?” Jax asks, arching a brow.
I gasp, feigning innocence. “Me? Never.” A smile creeps across my face as I loop my arms around his neck, rising up on my tiptoes so my face is close to his. “You’re sexy when you’re in charge,” I murmur.
He leans forward to nip my bottom lip. “Oh yeah?”
“Mhmmm,” I hum, pressing my body forward into his and grinding my hips suggestively.
This mate bond is something else. I was always attracted to Jax, but now I’m goddamn insatiable- I don’t care where I am or who’s around, all I can think about is being with him. Just being near him drives me a little crazy.
It’s not just me- the effects of this bond are wreaking havoc on both of us. I can see Jax’s wolf in his irises as a growl rumbles from his chest- he reaches to scoop an arm under my ass, lifting me up into his arms. My legs wrap around his waist instinctively, my arms tightening around his neck. My heart hammers against my ribs.
“Oh jesus,seriously?” I hear Theo mutter from somewhere behind Jax.
“Get used to it, bud,” Gray laughs, clapping Theo on the shoulder.
They both sound so far away- as I stare into Jax’s eyes, it’s just the two of us. Back in our bubble. I barely notice when he starts moving, carrying me off of the practice field as rest of the world falls away.