Page 96 of Alpha Jax
“She’s not,” I laugh. “And why were you tracking how long she was in the shower?”
If only she knew Quinn wasn’t in there alone…
Jade sighs exasperatedly. “I’ve been up for hours! Mom told me about you and Quinn as soon as I came down and it has beentortureto sit here and wait for you guys…”
“You have not,” Mom chuckles, carrying a serving dish out of the kitchen and setting it on the dining room table. “You’ve been down here for a half an hour, at best. Don’t be so dramatic, Jade.”
I turn to Jade, raising a brow in challenge. She just rolls her eyes and makes a face back at me.
Mom strides over to where we’re gathered at the bottom of the stairs, throwing her arms around me and pulling me in. “How are you, darling?” she asks as she releases me, rising on her toes and pressing a kiss to my cheek. “I’m so thrilled for you and Quinn. She’s wonderful.”
“Yeah, too bad she got stuck with you,” Juliet teases, and I glance back over my shoulder to see her descending the stairs with Quinn, now more appropriately attired in leggings and a grey henley.
“Quinn!” Mom greets cheerfully, clasping her hands together and smiling up at my mate. “I’m so glad you’re here with us for breakfast. I wasn’t sure what you liked to eat, so I just went ahead and made a little bit of everything.”
“I’m not picky when it comes to breakfast food,” Quinn laughs, beaming back at my mom as she reaches the bottom of the stairs. “It smells amazing.”
Mom can’t help herself- she goes in for a hug, congratulating Quinn and welcoming her to the family. Jenna and Jade quickly follow suit, then Mom heads back to the kitchen and all three of my sisters surround Quinn, talking over one another and asking her questions.
“Alright, give the girl some air,” I chuckle after a few minutes, reaching into the chaos for Quinn’s hand and pulling her toward me.
Dad has since returned from his morning jog, helping Mom finish bringing platters of breakfast food out to the table. She wasn’t lying when she said she made a little bit of everything- there’s a hell of a spread laid out, from eggs to bacon to pancakes to hashbrown potatoes, it’s an absolute feast.
“Come and eat!” Mom calls, and I lead Quinn over to the table, salivating as I eye the heaping plate of bacon.
We take the same seats that we sat in for Sunday dinner not too long ago, Mom and Dad at either end of the table, Quinn between Jenna and me, and Juliet and Jade across from us. We all chat happily as the platters of food are passed around and we load up our plates, and once again, Quinn easily fits in with my family, like she was always meant to be part of it.
“We’ll have to have your family over sometime for dinner, Quinn,” my mom suggests as I scoop a third helping of hashbrowns onto my plate.
Quinn smiles, and I love the warm, genuine smile she always seems to have for my mom. “Yeah, that would be really nice.”
Dad swallows down a big bite of scrambled egg. “Especially because our packs are linked by blood now.” He still seems really excited about that development.
“How big is your family?” Jenna asks between forkfuls of pancakes.
“Oh, it’s just me, my brother, and my dad,” Quinn shrugs.
Jade sits up a little straighter, interest piqued. “How old is your brother?”
“Is he single?” Juliet adds, waggling her brows.
Quinn laughs as I glare across the table at my sisters. “No, he’s mated to one of my best friends, actually,” she supplies. “But if you like alpha types, there’s always Brock and Reid…”
“No,” I snap, cutting her off and shaking my head adamantly. “No way.”
“What’s the matter?” Quinn giggles, turning to me. “It’s no different than what we did…”
“Have I mentioned how much I like her?” Juliet asks me, pointing her fork at Quinn.
All four girls laugh, and I’m painfully reminded that I’ll always remain vastly outnumbered by females in this house. They all start chattering amongst each other as I finish off the rest of my bacon, watching Quinn with adoration as she converses easily with my mom and sisters like they’re all old friends.
Dad leans in beside me, his voice low. “You did well, son,” he says, his gaze flickering to Quinn. “She fits right in. Already part of the family.”
My heart swells in my chest. I smile at my dad, then turn my gaze back to my mate. She’s fucking radiant- it’s hard to take my eyes off of her. Her head falls back on a laugh and my grin widens at the infectious sound of it. I’m so damn proud that she’s mine.
I’m so in love with her, and I can’t wait to tell her.