Page 92 of Alpha Jax
“Tonight?” I parrot, searching my dad’s face for answers. “But it’s late… what’s going on?
Dad forces a smile, stepping closer and setting a hand on my shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “It’s not for you to worry about, honey.”
His patronizing tone has resentment and frustration curling in my gut as he withdraws his touch and all but ignores my concern, turning instead to Jax and Theo. “You boys are coming too, Gray said squad leadership needs to be present. Cory took Ellie home, but he should be back any minute…”
“Dad,” I interrupt, balling my fists at my sides and speaking through gritted teeth. “Please just tell me what’s happening.”
He heaves a sigh in annoyance, casting me a sideways glance. I feel Jax step up behind me, his chest meeting my back as he slides his large hands to rest on my shoulders.
“Respectfully, sir, it won’t do any good to keep her in the dark,” Jax says, his voice firm and steady beside my ear. “Quinn can handle it. She’s on the squad now, so security matters involve her, too. Even more so as my mate and future Luna.”
Okay, how thefuckdid I land this guy? He snakes an arm around my front, holding me as he’s literally got my back. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt so supported.
“If this is about the shadow pack moving on Denver, it might be a good idea for both of the girls to come, actually,” Theo speaks up. “They know more about the tracking side of things than the rest of us do.”
Dad furrows his brow, his gaze sliding between Theo and Jax as a tense silence falls over the room. “I suppose if it’s a squad matter, then it’s your call,” he finally grumbles, turning to glance over his shoulder as the door of the packhouse swings open.
“Ready?” Cory asks as he strides inside. As Dad’s beta, he’s on the council, too- and while it has only been a few months since he took over the position from his father, he’s getting his feet wet fast.
Dad grunts in affirmation, starting in Cory’s direction. Brooke and I exchange glances, but before I can ask whether we’ll be coming along, Jax takes my hand and begins to lead me toward the door.
Cory and Dad ride together while Theo and Brooke hop in Jax’s truck with us. It’s Alpha Vaughn’s turn to host the meeting, so we head to Norbury, his pack’s territory. All four of us riding in the truck are a little nervous, speculating the whole way there as to what could’ve happened to necessitate an emergency meeting of the six-pack’s council. Whatever it is, it isn’t good- and it’s undoubtedly got the shadow pack’s fingerprints all over it.
I’ve never actually been to Norbury, so everything’s unfamiliar when we pull into town. The light of the full moon illuminates the buildings and homes we pass, and while this town is definitely newer than Summervale, its setup is fairly similar. We’ve followed behind Dad’s SUV the whole way here and we park behind him on the street once we arrive at the packhouse. Then the six of us pile out of the vehicles, heading inside.
While I haven’t officially attended a council meeting before, I’ve been around the Summervale packhouse plenty of times when it was Dad’s turn to host one. I’d occasionally listen in, but they were always pretty boring. I’m sure tonight’s meeting will be anything but, and as an actual participant for this one, I’m taking everything in.
When we step inside the packhouse, I take stock of who’s there already- Gray’s the first one I see, posted up on a couch beside Reid and flanked by two other guys who must be their betas. Jax’s dad, Alpha Damian, is nearby chatting with the host of tonight’s meeting, Alpha Vaughn. Damian spots us as we enter, cutting his conversation with Vaughn short as he tosses us a wave and makes his way over.
“So?” he asks, looking to Jax expectantly. “Have I got a fourth daughter or what?”
Evidently Jax told his dad why he wanted to join my pack for the full moon run.
Jax’s face splits into a telltale grin and his dad throws his arms around him, clapping him on the back. “Atta boy!”
Reid and Gray look our way, interest piqued as Damian moves to me next, pulling me in for a congratulatory hug.
“Happy to have you join the family, Quinn,” he croons as he embraces me tightly. When he pulls back from the hug, he’s still grinning from ear to ear.
Suddenly Gray and Reid are approaching too, ascertaining the meaning of our conversation and offering their own congratulations to each of us.
“Looks like our packs are linked now,” Damian says cheerfully. He extends a hand to my dad, who takes it and shakes it enthusiastically, glancing over at me with a look of pride.
“They are indeed. This was a welcome surprise.”
The front door of the packhouse swings open again- Brock’s the last to arrive, stepping inside with a guy who looks to be a few years older than him, presumably his beta.
“What’s going on?” he asks, running a hand through his wavy shoulder-length hair and eyeing the rest of us with suspicion. I suppose it would be a mindfuck to get an ominous call for an emergency meeting and walk into a cheerful celebration.
“Jax and Quinn are mates,” Reid supplies. “You owe me fifty bucks.”
What the fuck? These guys were betting on us?I don’t have time to process those questions, though, because instead I’m questioning why the hell Brock looks so salty in response to our news. His eyes darken, his lips twisting into a scowl- and then I see him work to steady his expression and plaster on a lopsided fake smile instead.
“Congratulations, guys,” he grits out. “That’s great news, I’m happy for you.”
I see past his feigned enthusiasm, though. I’ve forced enough smiles to recognize when someone else is faking it- I just don’t understand what the hell his deal is. I can’t remember ever doing anything to offend the guy. I make a mental note to ask Jax about it later.